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Thread: Calculate Simple Angle

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    Junior Member
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    Sep 2009

    Calculate Simple Angle

    I've finally got it to work, just had to subtract the new angle from the moving MC(ball)'s current rotation.

    So this is how it should look after being fixed:
    onEnterFrame = function(){
    	if(this.hitTest(_root.ball._x, _root.ball._y, true)){
    		newx = _root.ball._x-_x;
    		newy = _root.ball._y-_y;
    		angle = (360/Math.PI)*(Math.atan2(newy, newx));
    		_root.ball._rotation = angle-_root.ball._rotation;

    I've been trying to figure this one out for sometime now, I have seen a lot of posts in this forum on getting the right angle after collisions.

    What I'm trying to do is get the rotation(angle) of a moving circle after colliding with another circle. I just want to do this simple and get the angle so that the moving circle just turns at the correct angle. No need to worry about acceleration/speed.

    Here's my code as of now, there are two movie clips(two circles). The moving one is called "ball" and the other one is nameless.

    Code in Movie Clip "ball":
    	sp = 5;
    	xsp = sp * Math.sin(_rotation*(Math.PI/180));
    	ysp = sp * Math.cos(_rotation*(Math.PI/180));
    	_x += xsp;
    	_y -= ysp;
    Code in the nameless Movie Clip:
    onEnterFrame = function(){
    	if(this.hitTest(_root.ball._x, _root.ball._y, true)){
    		newx = _root.ball._x-_x;
    		newy = _root.ball._y-_y;
    		angle = (360/Math.PI)*(Math.atan2(newy, newx));
    		_root.ball._rotation = angle;
    I know there has been a lot of tutorials and help on this similar topic guys, but I'm having problems with this. Any help is much appreciated.
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    Last edited by MichealStar; 09-02-2009 at 02:20 AM. Reason: [RESOLVED]

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