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Thread: [RESOLVED] wana rotate an object on its own axis

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    resolved [RESOLVED] wana rotate an object on its own axis

    hi all,

    this is my very first post in this site .

    i am sure some one had asked it, but i tried the search and no luck.
    i have designed a logo with 4 objects and want to spin the first object on it self.

    since the 1st object is not on the X,Y,Z axis (0.0.0) how can we rotate the object on its own X or Y axis..
    keep in mind the object was created in Extrusion Editor.

    many thanks

  2. #2
    noob in training
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Use the hirachy thing on the top right to control which one to rotate and which one not to. it's kinda confusing at first, but if you cracked that, you are good.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Thumbs up

    TY m8 ...
    true its kinda confusing at first ,

    but i got the idea on how to do it after experimenting some buttons .

    OK my mistake was i did create the 4 objects in one shoot so i got a full object, later what i did was in the Extrusion Editor i copied the first object and created a new one but i didn't simply paste it on the screen no i did (paste in place) which created the object not on the (X,Y) axis.

    then i went back and found that i am rotating the object on it self but it was far away from the axis Pp so got the rotation wrong.


    i copied the object and pasted it normally in the Extrusion Editor (it was on the X,Y axis) and got a new object in the space so i just had to move it from the center to the location where i wanted it to rotate and did the animation.

    hope what i did was the right way or the correct method
    Last edited by cuteoffline; 09-07-2009 at 01:22 PM.

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