Senior Member
Shortest Quine!
The forum's name is "The Arena" so I don't see why we can't have any programming contests too..?
The contest is simple, write the shortest quine. A quine is program which outputs its own source only.
The wikipedia page has more info.
The rules:
- Your quine must not read its own source from file
- Your quine must be Actionscript 2 compatible, but you can use as much nasty and deprecated code as you like!
- Anyone can play
- No copying quines from the internet, I'll know if you've done so!
The winner will be the person who posts the shortest quine after a period of time yet to be decided.
You get extra kudos for obfuscation and originality.
Here's my serve, pretty simple to start. Let's get the ball rolling!
a=[41,115,40,101,99,97,114,116,59,41,93,122,91,97,40,114,104,99,61,43,115,41,97,32,110,105,32,122,40,114,111,102,59,34,59,93,34,61,43,115,59,41,34,34,58,34,44,34,63,50,57,45,122,40,43,93,122,91,97,61,43,115,41,59,51,57,60,122,43,43,59,49,45,61,122,40,114,111,102,59,34,91,61,97,34,61,43,115,59,34,34,61,115];s="";s+="a=[";for(z=-1;++z<93;)s+=a[z]+(z-92?",":"");s+="];";for(z in a)s+=chr(a[z]);trace(s)
401 characters.
Hmm... actually sounds cool despite being weird as hell. Heh.
So it outputs exactly what is in the function?
Senior Member
Yeah man, the code outputs itself. Lots of people go "oh that's easy" and try something like:
trace("trace(.... then they realise the infinite loop.
It's trickier than it sounds, but pretty fun from a geeky perspective. Give it a go!
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