Praise, Hope and suggestions
New here, and I find there is a wealth of information and people trying stuff. A board is only as good as the people using it, so my expectations are not atmospheric. I'm new to flash. Two tutorials I've tried, (outlining text, and morphing text) seem to be incorrect. I say "seem" because being a neophyte I may misunderstand what more seasoned users take as a given. Both in question are by Tready. Perhaps they can be corrected?
anyone else hear that?
Are these tutorials on FlashKit (I'm assuming)? Could you send the links so I don't have to search for them? I tried a quick search, but didn't see them.
What seems to be the problem(s) with them? Are you sure you've got your flash .as settings and player setting correct?
Welcome to FK!
Love like you've never been hurt, live like there's no tomorrow and dance like nobody's watching.
step(s) missing
These are basic so it may have miffed me more than it should. Both mention breaking up text, however they both omit that txt has to be broken up twice for either outlining or morphing to take place. that's all.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, I can take it.
anyone else hear that?
You are correct, when you break apart a text object, it initially breaks it into individual letters, and, then breaks it into actual shape objects (which is what they need to be in order to have a Shape tween put on them).
I'm not sure how tutorials would actually be edited, but I'm guessing you could contact the author and they would be able to do that.
One of the moderators might know...
Love like you've never been hurt, live like there's no tomorrow and dance like nobody's watching.
Senior Member
What are we editing here?
<h3>The Result</h3>
<p><img src="outlines.gif" width="356" height="109" alt="Demo image"></p>
<h3>How to Create the Effect</h3>
<p>In a movie, type the text you want into a text box. <br>
Choose the correct font and size. <br>
Now select <strong>Modify</strong> and <strong>Break Apart</strong>.<br>
This turns your text into shapes. <br>
You can not edit the words after you have broken them apart.</p>
<p>Now select the outlining tool (<img src="outlinebtn.gif" width="22" height="22" alt="The Outining Button" align="middle">) and choose your outline colour.<br>
Simply click the broken up text to add a outline.</p>
<p><i>Be warned: The size of your movie will be increased if it contains large amounts of broken up text.</i></p>
<p>By using the <strong>Modify</strong> and <strong>Break Apart </strong>technique you can create many different and original pieces of text or movies. Morphing text, gradient text, the world is your imagination!</p>
<p align="center">
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
WIDTH="200" HEIGHT="40">
<param name="movie" value="morphing_text_demo.swf">
<param name="quality" value="high">
<param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF"><embed src="morphing_text_demo.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" WIDTH="200"
HEIGHT="40" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"
In a movie, type the text you want into a text box. Choose the correct font and size. Now
select <strong>Modify</strong> and <strong>Break Apart</strong>. This turns your text into
shapes. You can not edit the words after you have broken them apart.</p>
Now open up the tweening option for that keyframe. Select <strong>Shape</strong>. It
doesn't matter whether it is <strong>Angular</strong> or <strong>Distributed</strong> at
the moment.</p>
<p>Place the next keyframe at the point where you want the morphing to be complete. On this
keyframe delete the text shapes and repeat the top process of typing in the text and
choosing the colours, etc. Make sure that you have broken it apart before continuing. The
morphing will NOT work with unbroken text boxes.</p>
<p>Once you have completed your finishing and beginning text and colours watch the movie. </p>
<p>It may not work the way you wanted. If not - try changing the <strong>Blend</strong>.
Select either <strong>Angular</strong> or <strong>Distributed</strong> in the tweening
options box.</p>
anyone else hear that?
I think he's just saying that it should read:
Now select <strong>Modify</strong> and <strong>Break Apart</strong>. This turns your text into individual letters. Repeat by selecting <strong>Modify</strong> and <strong>Break Apart</strong>. This turns your letters into shapes.
or something similar for both tutorials...
yes slickjesus?
Love like you've never been hurt, live like there's no tomorrow and dance like nobody's watching.
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