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Thread: Advertising ideas.

  1. #1
    Self-portrait mark_my_words's Avatar
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    Aug 2003

    Advertising ideas.

    Hello, i'm currently running a little indie label with a couple of friends based around the U.S. We have a new album out but it isn't gaining as much exposure as we would like. We've sent our material to a handful of reviewers (and looking for more) and our artist has had a couple of live performances. Other than all of that, we haven't had very many online sales

    What can we do in particular to get it "more out there"? Any sites to recommend? We could do fliers but where would we hang these up?

    Edit: We're not exactly rolling in dough but I am willing to spend some money to get it done.

    Artificial Memories v0.9.2b
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  2. #2
    Senior Member WannaBe_80z's Avatar
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    over my shoes and under my hat
    Google advertising, facebook advertising, setup a "street team" for them, do fun little contest to get fans more involved, do something at the live show that sets them apart so that they are talked about more with word of mouth, etc...
    "Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous."- T. McKenna

  3. #3
    supervillain gerbick's Avatar
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    guerilla marketing tactics... worked for Shepherd Fairey.

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  4. #4
    Self-portrait mark_my_words's Avatar
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    Artificial Memories v0.9.2b
    "Preserving life's precious moments and making new ones"
    © 2009 MemoryCorp - A Walmart company

  5. #5
    supervillain gerbick's Avatar
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    bingo. make it funny, eye catching and good. and don't get caught.

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  6. #6
    Total Universe Mod jAQUAN's Avatar
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    Take credit for the next thing that gets blow'd up.

  7. #7
    Flashkit historian Frets's Avatar
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    Honestly get them to use a song in a national commercial even if it's something like sham-wow.

  8. #8
    pablo cruisin' hanratty21's Avatar
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    on the lam
    Or for freecreditreport dot com - I can never get those sh*thouse songs out of my head.
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  9. #9
    Chaos silverx2's Avatar
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    The hospital
    get someone famous to do an intro. then go on twitter and say its the famous person hottest new song.

    Wait and watch the retweets.

    Of course this only works if your music doesnt suck ass.
    use the link above if you download league of legends.

  10. #10
    Registered User
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    Does this stuff really work for people, let alone on people? I did well in psychology, but I had my own issues I guess you could say, since the definitions didn't even come close to me, let alone what I see or actually think. I may just be a pea out of it's pod here, but today's commercials/advertisements drive me half nuts! Most are so stupid the channel must be changed or the page closed just for the sake of sanity! Or at least muted so I don't have to listen to all the crap......

    Do people really care about a song or a jingle? Is that going to make them buy a product or service?

    I'm confused I guess.... If a commercial tells me nothing but a business name, then why should I care? If it has no body and no humor and/or nothing to attract my interest, then again, why should I care?

    Advertising is currently done way too much by the book if you ask me.

    Who ever stops to ask the world what they "want" to see or hear? What ever happened to polls and voting sites? Marketing should be simple and easy if you know your targeted market that is. All that anyone has to do is ask the question, the market will respond in one form or another. So, provide more polls, ask more question to the general public in plain sight, not by click here to be spammed to death methods!

    But that's my $0.02 worth

  11. #11
    Remotely Driven Googooboyy's Avatar
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    Nowhere near you.
    Stay away from Google's PPC Ad-campaigns, or for that matter, any PPC campaigns, or at least set a budget and try not to run it over.

    You'd want to generate as much traffic/exposure via free methods or viral-marketing, youtube, blogs, forums, social network sites, link exchange programmes, and of course, word of mouth, while having contests definitely creates interests.

    Fliers? Hang em where you think your audience or target market would be.

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