Hi all, am trying to do a multiple if statement checking to determine which frame label within a MC (NE) and is located on frame 3 of the main timeline, to display.

In the main timeline frame 1, I have declared a new var:

var n_e;

button1.onRelease = function (){
n_e1 = 1;
main timeline go to and stop at frame 3

button2.onRelease = function (){
n_e1 = 2;
main timeline go to and stop at frame 3

On Frame 3 where the NE movieclip is, i did a onload event on the clip itself:

NE.onLoad = function() {
if (n_e1 == 1) {
if (n_e1 == 2) {

But it doesnt seem to work, and most of the time it lands up on Ne("2") instead...

Would appreciate any kind suggestions to resolving this. Thanks in advance!