Senior Member
[RESOLVED] AS3 to AS2, convertion problem
I want to create a basic drawing utility as a part of my project. Since the drawing needs to be saved I wanted to convert it to a bitmap. I searched for help on google and found this example.
However since the rest of my program is programmed in AS2, I'm getting errors these errors:
The class or interface 'flash.display.Sprite' could not be loaded. // source: var canvas:Sprite = new Image();
The class or interface 'flash.utils.ByteArray' could not be loaded. // source: var bytes:ByteArray;
The class or interface 'flash.display.Shape' could not be loaded. // source: var child:Shape = new Shape();
The class or interface 'MouseEvent' could not be loaded. // source: function mouseDownHandler (event:MouseEvent)
The class or interface 'MouseEvent' could not be loaded. // source: function mouseDownHandler (event:MouseEvent)
The class or interface 'MouseEvent' could not be loaded. // source: function mouseMoveHandler (event:MouseEvent)
Here in the script:
PHP Code:
// http://www.flashscript.biz/flashas3/SaveImage/SaveImage.html
// We start with importing several classes.
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.net.SharedObject;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.Sprite;
// We create a variable canvas and add it to the stage
var canvas:Sprite = new Image();
canvas.x = 10;
canvas.y = 10;
// We declare several other variables, which we will later need.
var myBitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData (canvas.width, canvas.height, false, 0x00FFFFFF);
var bytes:ByteArray;
var child:Shape = new Shape();
var isDrawing:Boolean = false;
// Then we give canvas some mouse functions, since we need to draw an image.
canvas.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
canvas.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveHandler);
canvas.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHandler);
// We sart with a function when the mouse is pressed.
// We enter the point where the drawing is supposed to start.
function mouseDownHandler (event:MouseEvent)
isDrawing = true;
if( isDrawing)
child.graphics.lineStyle (2, 0xFF0000);
child.graphics.moveTo (mouseX, mouseY);
// The next function contains all the script to draw an image, when the mouse pressed is moving.
// We set a limit to the drawing, since we want the drawing only in a certain space.
function mouseMoveHandler (event:MouseEvent)
if (isDrawing)
child.graphics.lineTo (mouseX, mouseY);
if(mouseX < canvas.stage.getBounds(this).x || mouseX >295)
isDrawing = false;
if(mouseY < canvas.stage.getBounds(this).y || mouseY >145)
isDrawing = false;
// When we don't want drawing to occur we do not press the mouse.
// However, a number of other events are then happening.
// First of all the drawing (child) is saved by using addChild.
// We then convert the drawing to a bitmap.
// The bitmapdata will be stored in the byteArray object.
function mouseUpHandler (event:MouseEvent)
canvas.addChild (child);
isDrawing = false;
var rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
myBitmapData.draw (canvas);
bytes = myBitmapData.getPixels(rect);
bytes.position = 0;
I have not used classes before and is only used to programming in AS2.
Merry Christmas everyone!
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