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Thread: [CS3/4][AS3] Load "internal" FLV from Library into FLVPlayback Component?

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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Question [CS3/4][AS3] Load "internal" FLV from Library into FLVPlayback Component?

    Hello All,

    I have an interactive presentation which will have a small barker video with audio in the corner which will play through and loop as the user is moving through the presentation. On some screens of the presentation, I won't have room for the video, so I'll need to hide the video, but continue to play the audio from the same point.
    I thought the easiest way to accomplish this would be to just use a "skinless" FLVPlayback component which I could then just set to visible=false when I need to hide the video.

    However, the FLVPlayback component seems to want a URL to an external FLV file. I would prefer to just include the FLV in the FLA's library, so that I don't have to keep track where the external FLV is, or make sure that the published SWF can find the folder where the external FLV is stored.

    So, is there a way to point FLVPlayback.source to an FLV asset in the Library instead of giving it an external URL?

    I realize I could just import the FLV to the library and add it to the stage manually at authortime; however, it's been my experience that Flash can get a little fussy with keeping the video and audio in sync when you do that.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2003
    Rhode Island
    Sorry that I couldn't reply with an answer.
    I have a similar challenge and would like to know if you had any luck with your question. I'm searching if we can load an FLV from the library using FLVPlayback component. As you said, it only takes external FLV path.



  3. #3
    infrequent visitor
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    I'm a little late to this party, but I've been searching for a similar solution and thought I'd weigh in with this item:

    In it, the following statement is made: "The FLVPlayback component plays only external FLV files or streaming video."

    The thought occurred to me that maybe the VideoPlayer class would work, but it seems that the FLVPlayback component uses a VideoPlayer, so if it isn't doable for the one it may not be for the other.

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