Blast from the past (sorry not a battle)
Yeah I know that this is the arena but I had to think of this place just now.
I am helping out a non-profit and I just had to do some photo editing in PS5. WOW! We did some amazing stuff back then for what was available to us at the time.
Yeah dude, I think I always had an innate desire for graphic editing but this site and this particular forum opened my eyes to what is possible. Even before the origins of PhotoShop I attempted to bend the rules of MS Paint and shoddy bundled camera software. Becoming a part of a forum where so many others shared this enthusiasm really pushed me to explore even further. I'm not just talking about transitioning from the eraser tool to masks, etc., but more importantly how to let my mind reign free of my old standards of visual art and what I only thought I was capable of producing. Essentially the arena injected a proper dose of adrenaline in my creativity and I will never forget that. Seriously. You guys have been phenomenal and the arena allowed me to connect with you. And because the arts are a part of who I am, how I think and the way I communicate, that's kind of a big deal to me. You all have my best wishes. Peace.
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