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Thread: scaleable swf - fixed html - scaleable swf problem

  1. #1

    scaleable swf - fixed html - scaleable swf problem

    What I'm trying to achieve is this:
    One swf on the right, one swf on the left, in the middle fixed space (400px) for html content, the swf-files fill up the right and left space when the browser scales.

    So basically this:

    scaleable swf (exactfit) >> | fixed html content in the middle of browser | << scaleable swf (exactfit)

    How can I achieve this, using SWFObject to post the swf-files?
    I've been trying quite some CSS-things now, but none of the methods seems to cross-browser compatible.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Since we don't know what you've already tried, forgive me if start out simple.
    First, do the complete design without any Flash content. Create 3 <div>s that are positioned next to one another, 3 across the page. Use a background color or an image as a stand-in for the Flash. Work out all the CSS before you add the Flash. That will isolate problems as CSS or Flash related.
    Here's a sample 2 col page that you might be able to adapt. The trick is to put one <div> inside the other to control width.
        div#column1-wrapper { 
            width: 100%; 
        div#column1-wrapper { 
        div#column2-wrapper {
            float: right; 
            width: 250px; 
        <div id="middle-wrapper"> 
        <div id="column1-wrapper"> 
            <div id="column2-wrapper">  <!-- Must be first --> 
                This has to be 250px wide 
            This has to be 100% - 250px wide 
    After you get the CSS worked out, then you can move on to inserting the Flash into the <div>s.
    Best wishes,
    Eye for Video

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