
My problem is this:

I have clips on stage named: bean_1,bean2, bean3

I have an array to reference the clips: moveBeansArray[bean_1,bean_2,bean_3]

I have an array that stores _x co-ordinates: xPosArray[200,250,300]

I then have a function to move a clip via a flag variable: movebeans

onEnterFrame = function() {

if (movebeans == true) {
moveBeansArray[0]._x += (xPosArray[0]-moveBeansArray[0]._x)/10;
But no luck!
It only works if I use the actual
instance name of the clip i.e.(bean_1) that i want to move,

onEnterFrame = function() {
if (movebeans == true) {
bean_1._x += (xPosArray[0]-bean_1._x)/10;
Any help is much appreciated, tried many variations but can't find a solution!!