Help with simplifying code
Hello, I have made a AS 2.0 script that allows an object to ease into rotation. Here is the code:
_root.onEnterFrame = function(){
rot = Math.atan2(_ymouse-arrow._y,_xmouse-arrow._x)*180/Math.PI;
rot += 360
rot -= 360
arrow._rotation += (rot-arrow._rotation)/3;
Is this the best way to write it, or is there something more simple that I can do?
Senior Member
Go to tweenmax.com - download tweenmax for as2.
Much simpler, many options, easy to use.
Thats not really what I am looking for. I have created my own program that makes arrays of rotations. I then copy those arrays into my game, and I can reference to them and dynamically combine them into poses and animations for my characters. All I need to know is if there is a better way to write my easing code.
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