[RESOLVED] Twitter Updates via php/xml
Hi all,
I'm trying (desperately) to re-work the code here untoldentertainment.com (AS3) to AS2...
First time I'm using sharedObject and also, bit confused about calling the .xml file via the php.
Here's the actionscript:
Actionscript Code:
var twitterXML:XML; // This holds the xml data var cachedTwitterData:SharedObject; // This stores the data loaded from the Flash cookie var twitterPHPScriptPath:String; var myTwitterID:String; var wereAllowedToWriteToTheFlashCookie:Boolean; // You can use this value to decide whether or not to make repeated save attempts //Put your Twitter username here. For example, ours is "untoldEnt" : myTwitterID = "aneemal"; // Put the path to your php script here: twitterPHPScriptPath = "tweet.php"; wereAllowedToWriteToTheFlashCookie = true; // (let's be optimistic until we discover otherwise) // Check to see if the user has already retrieved the Twitter updates and stored them in a Flash cookie: loadTwitterDataFromFlashCookie(); function loadTwitterDataFromFlashCookie() { // Call up the Twitter data from the Flash cookie on the user's machine: cachedTwitterData = SharedObject.getLocal("twitter"); var timeStamp:Date = cachedTwitterData.data.timeStamp; if (timeStamp != null) { // The timeStamp variable is in there, which means we've retrieved Twitter info for this user at some point. // Now let's check the timeStamp. If the last time we grabbed Twitter data was too long ago, let's grab fresh info: if (hasExpired(timeStamp)) { // The most recent copy of the Twitter data in the Flash cookie is old! Let's get some fresh data: trace("cookie has expired! let's get some fresh data"); loadTwitterXML(); } else { // It hasn't been very long since we grabbed a fresh copy of the Twitter data. Let's just use what we've got in the Flash cookie: trace("cookie is fresh. display the data."); twitterXML = cachedTwitterData.data.twitterXML; showTwitterStatus(); } } else { // If there's no timeStamp variable in there, then the cookie's empty. We need to hit Twitter to grab our data for the first time. loadTwitterXML(); } } function saveTwitterDataToFlashCookie() { flushStatus = cachedTwitterData.flush(10000); if (flushStatus == true) { trace("********* save complete. ***********\n"); finishedHandlingTwitterData(); } else if (flushSatus == false) { trace("User denied permission -- value not saved.\n"); wereAllowedToWriteToTheFlashCookie = false; } } function finishedHandlingTwitterData() { trace("Twitter data saved."); } function hasExpired(timeStamp:Date) { // Store the date RIGHT NOW, to compare against the Flash cookie timeStamp: var now:Date = new Date(); // Let's say that the cookie expires after 1 hour, 0 minutes and zero seconds: var expiryHours:Number = 1; var expiryMinutes:Number = 0; var expirySeconds:Number = 0; // Store some handy conversion values: var msPerHour:Number = 3600000; var msPerMinute:Number = 60000; var msPerSecond:Number = 1000; // Multiply those values to get the expiry time in milliseconds: var expiryTime:Number = (expiryHours * msPerHour) + (expiryMinutes * msPerMinute) + (expirySeconds * msPerSecond); // Return whether or not the timeStamp is past the expiry date: return (now.getTime() - timeStamp.getTime() > expiryTime) }
function loadTwitterXML() { var getTwitter:XML = new XML(); getTwitter.ignoreWhite = true; getTwitter.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) { if (success) { finishLoadingXML(); } else { trace ("Error loading php"); } } getTwitter.load(twitterPHPScriptPath + "?twitterId=" + myTwitterID); } function finishLoadingXML() { // Populate the xml object with the xml data: cachedTwitterData = SharedObject.getLocal("twitter"); // Set the date/time RIGHT NOW: cachedTwitterData.data.timeStamp = new Date(); twitterXML = new XML; // Store the twitterXML data: cachedTwitterData.data.twitterXML = twitterXML; // (Try to) save the whole shebang the user's Flash cookie: saveTwitterDataToFlashCookie(); showTwitterStatus(); } function showTwitterStatus() { trace("showTwitterStatus"); // Uncomment these lines if you want to see all the fun stuff Twitter sends you: //trace(twitterXML); //trace(twitterXML.head); // Prep the text field to hold our latest Twitter update: twitter_txt.wordWrap = true; twitter_txt.autoSize = true // Populate the text field with the first element in the status.text nodes: twitter_txt.text = twitterXML; }
And here's the php:
PHP Code:
$twitterId = isset($_REQUEST["twitterId"]) ? $_REQUEST["twitterId"] : '';
if( $twitterId == "" ){
$file = file_get_contents("http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/" . $twitterId . ".xml" );
echo $file;
Please, please, please, help me get this project off the ground!
Many thanks for any input.
Ok, I've managed to get this working... if interested, please see my next thread for script.
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