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Thread: font animating and scrolling jerky

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Los Angeles

    font animating and scrolling jerky

    I'm using CS4, but with AS2 to make some of my components work.

    I have an embedded font (Times New Yorker, which is a gritty version of Times New Roman) that takes forever to load (had to switch from using laptop to desktop because just moving from frame to frame while working was taking 30 sec). It's used on pages with paragraphs of text that load with a masked shape tween - so the text appears from top to bottom - and then has a scrollbar. Loading the text is really jerky and so is scrolling. When I made the text fields in Photoshop and used the images in flash instead of text in flash it looked great - super smooth load and scrolling. But, I need to be able to add links and connect the text to xml to be connected to a CMS for the client...so putting the text in Photoshop images won't work. Any ideas?

    The client and I both really like this font, but we can accept using something more standard and boring if we have to. Thanks for any help in making this font work!

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    If a font has a lot of minute details to the shape it will take a lot of processor to render it in movement and loading in general. Loading an entire library from a font usually causes long load times, within the Embed Fonts property only include Basic Latin and Latin 1, don't need the entire scope of glyphs because it's huge and each export causes Flash to rebuild the font into its library.

    I suggest using a lighter font and only sparingly use specialized fonts with details for things like titles or headings where movement is not a requirement.


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