It is simple enough to load a single image onto a plane using the technique below.

PHP Code:
public function load_image():void {
photo_loader = new Loader();
photo_loader.load(new URLRequest("image.jpg");
public function 
image_loaded(e:Event):void {
mat = new BitmapFileMaterial("image.jpg");
plane = new Plane(mat60045044);
camera.zoom 100;    

However, I have been unable to load successive images from a gallery successfully. Typically what happens is I get a triangular frame portion of the next loaded image, regardless of whether I've removed the plane from the scene. I need some way of either totally removing the scene and building a new one with the next image, or refreshing the existing plane with the complete image. Has anyone done this successfully?

Originally I loaded images onto a movieclip and built the image map from that, but I had some issues with 3d animation and loading when using that method.

Thanks for the help!