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Thread: [RESOLVED] How to create a fade-out?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    resolved [RESOLVED] How to create a fade-out?

    Resolved. Thanks!
    Last edited by Ape Dude; 04-25-2010 at 09:48 PM. Reason: Topic Change

  2. #2
    Senior Member guardiankitty's Avatar
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    Dec 2006
    Just keep in mind, how the sound is attached in the movie...

    When I finished my very first animation, I was sad to see that the sound was no longer synced up in the movie when run on different computers and over the web.

    Make sure your sound is attached as a 'Stream Event'. What this means, is not so much that the music is streaming (like youtube...) its so much that the sound is cut up into lots of little peaces, so that if the movie is lagging on someone elses computer, then the music will 'keep pace' and not get out of sync with the movie.

    Now, to your question:

    To 'Fade Out' a some music,... well... lets first start at adding music.

    Import your mp3 of wav of choice to the library. Then create a layer dedicated to music. Select this said layer. In the Properties Menu (ctrl F3), Click the Sound: Dropdown Box, and select your music. Be sure to also select Stream for the Sync.

    Now, for fading out,... with the properties menu still open, click the Edit... button.

    Here you will find the Edit Envelope Menu.

    More of less you should see some white squares connected to a line. These Squares control your music's volume. For a simple fade out, simply click the Drop Down Box 'Effect:', and select Fade Out.

    Also note the lines and how they have changed.


    Since I am already giving you some advice, here is just one last tip... Dont use this method to 'cut off' the overflow of a song.

    The Best thing you could do is outside of flash, cut the song to the correct size.

    the reason: Even though your viewer of the animation will never hear the song, they are still downloading everything. Since music is so heafty (only thirded by video and movies(audio and video)), you should always try and to cut as many corners as you can, to cut down on the size of the final movie.

    ps. I have reread your post, and I notice you mentioned scenes.... Really the best advice I could ever give you is to never under any circumstance ever use the built in 'scenes' in flash. They are absolutely worthless and troublesome.

    Hope this helps!! and Good luck!

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Thank you!

  4. #4
    Senior Member guardiankitty's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    np anytime!

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