Senior Member
Forum for mlearning needed!
Can FlashKit start a forum dedicated to issues and developments about mobile learning. Any discussion will ultimately lead you to discussing technologies which is the core requirement.
mlearning is still under research and there are many versions/theories of it in the global market. We on this forum can make people come togather and share a common platform in future look Flashkit to be teh best and experienced forum in mlearning!
Senior Member
I dont see much of a calling for this topic at the moment. I've searched this forum and there are no discussions around mlearning at all.
Senior Member
Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts and views!
In future per say down the line after an year or so we shall revisit this decision!
AKA [ Paul Bainbridge]
I am sure that once AIR hits the Android(later this year we hope) there will be a rise in AIR related posts.
Technology is the creator of style and living which fascinating this Planet from others. Mobile is one of the success creations having a long way to go with this era and civilization. There is no doubt of stopping learning process with any success stories. Starting of a new or unknown discussion needs a starting point to continue. Cat fight is might not the better way to learn. It’s always interesting if technology goes with you. Its m which moves a curve in global senses, and m-learning with helping others might be an open source for an individual to publish his own product. Dumping thoughts and methods in a forum always help people for future development.
But with which technology with this m-learning would be? Will it holds only flash? Or it would sub-categorize it in technologies and platforms. I’m pretty sure this small device will create lots of forums with categorize in near future.
Notepad is the only way to jot down the future needs.
However http://www.m-learning.org/ and others are in these solutions. Vinayak is also into this for a couple of years as I know from this forum. We have lots of things to learn in a best and straight forward way on m-learning. I request of sharing in this thread as a start. Positive & negative is always better to judge the right way.
Sorry to bother my thoughts…
Thursday, May 13, 2010
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