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Thread: Flash for Ipad

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Flash for Ipad

    Hello, please bear with me, I'm relatively new at scripting, there's a project that requires a person to have an ipad, with a menu within, and clicking the menu will call up videos into a different image, that is projected on a vast wall, about 18m long. The menu would be a different interface than what is on the wall, so I was wondering, is that possible in flash? And does it mean calling a video in the script of one swf to open the video in another? I only know how to call forth a video into the same swf.

    Please help,

  2. #2
    Developing For Dunkets mneil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Lincoln City
    Well, first off flash won't run on the ipad. So whatever you're doing; regardless of how, won't work on the ipad in flash.

    2nd: and a very short answer is anything is possible. I'm a bit confused about your question so if you still need help with it please explain it a little more or in a different way and I'll help you out.
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