I have written a basic piece of code to load and unload different swfs, now on their own they're pretty smooth (opened independently) , but when you load and unload them a couple of times in the main fla, just like as a user would navigate through a website, it causes the whole flash player and the movies to slow down quite dramatically and looks very bad as if about to crash. Now i know this problem was reported in FP 9, but anyone else has encountered this in FP 10 as well ?
Here's how i load and unload the external SWFs using buttons :
function onLoadClick(evt:MouseEvent):void
var swfLoader:Loader = Loader(loadmc.getChildAt(0));
var bgURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("experience.swf");
TweenLite.to(loadmc, 0.8, {autoAlpha:1, ease:Sine.easeIn});
Has anyone else come across this problem and what was the workaround?