Best multiplayer API solution for actionscript 2 turn based game
I've created a actionscript 2 game, which is turn based (Like as chess / board game). where it allows only two players per game play.
And I want to implement multilayer mode. But don't know where to start.
I tried flash + php XML socket server.. is this good choice for such games ? Will I get problems when I have more users online ?
I had a look on smartfoxserver, playerio.com ,etc ..
But the problem is I cant spend money on smartfoxserver,etc for now.. because I don't know weather my sponsors will pay for it or not !
And I'm not sure what to do if my game doesn't get big !
I tried playerio.com and It looks cool and easy to use in my games. but the only problem is my projects are made with Actionscript 2 , Converting it to Actionscript 3 will be a pain !
Can someone give advice on this ?
its not a real time game, its simple turn based board game.
Is there any Free AS2 API that I can use on my own server ?
Thank you.
Senior Member
If I understand your description correctly, then I believe a very simple php polling server would be enough. You really don't need anything complex here, so just sync the player using a php timestamp and a mysql server if you have one, then you just have to query the db at a preset interval. But if you don't want to work or learn much, then you can just use the free version of smartfox or electroserver, and if you do get a sponsor, switch to the paid version for more connections.
If you want, you might wanna contact http://www.mmocha.com/ . I heard they have as2 api.
But you should seriously consider moving to as3, that way you will get many free apis and great services like adobe's Stratus.
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Originally Posted by tharshan
I've created a actionscript 2 game, which is turn based (Like as chess / board game). where it allows only two players per game play.
And I want to implement multilayer mode. But don't know where to start.
I tried flash + php XML socket server.. is this good choice for such games ? Will I get problems when I have more users online ?
I had a look on smartfoxserver, playerio.com ,etc ..
But the problem is I cant spend money on smartfoxserver,etc for now.. because I don't know weather my sponsors will pay for it or not !
And I'm not sure what to do if my game doesn't get big !
I tried playerio.com and It looks cool and easy to use in my games. but the only problem is my projects are made with Actionscript 2 , Converting it to Actionscript 3 will be a pain !
Can someone give advice on this ?
its not a real time game, its simple turn based board game.
Is there any Free AS2 API that I can use on my own server ?
Thank you.
That's really simple. First, check up SmartFoxServer, that's free, and unlike PlayerIO, it supports Multiplayer in AS2. I won't tell you code by code how to do it, but just read up about it from this link, ' http://www.smartfoxserver.com/docs/1...installing.htm ' and you'd see how easy it is to start using.
Just google smartfoxserver.com and click on download to download which of the three. I would reccomend downloading the pro version, and just read up on the former link to learn how to add it in Flash and make it work.
Best of luck to you.
P.S. If I coudn't give you satisfying answers, just never give up on googling random stuf about it. THat's how it works for me. ;P
Originally Posted by bluemagica
But you should seriously consider moving to as3, that way you will get many free apis and great services like adobe's Stratus.
Ditto. You will also sharpen your skills in writing ActionScript 3 and this will be in high demand. Aside from the abundance of new APIs, everything you build will be faster.
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