Windows 7
Can anyone tell me if 3DFA can be used in Windows 7 ?
Thanks in advance
Senior Member
Why don't you try? Test and see!
it will not work in windows 7, why not you install dual booting. install winxp in c drive & windows 7 in d drive, thus you can enjoy both windows with all your requirements.
The program works with Windows 7.
thanks a lot for your reply, its really useful for me. thanks again.
Thanks to the people who replied - "why don't you try it and see" wasn't very useful though!
I'm running 3D FA v on 64-bit Win 7 Ultimate. I guess it works on all versions of Win 7.
3DFA hobby scripter
Senior Member
...good to know, but I'm doing the dual boot anyway. I find that XP is more friendly to multimedia work.
3dfa on Win7
 Originally Posted by Stella Richards
it will not work in windows 7, why not you install dual booting. install winxp in c drive & windows 7 in d drive, thus you can enjoy both windows with all your requirements.
Hmm an overly complicated solution to a non-problem because in my experience the latest release of 3DFA actually works with NO tweaking on Windows 7.
Maybe, Stella, you have another issue preventing it from working - but your work round - whilst it works - is a bit cumbersome.
3dfa and win7
 Originally Posted by sueme
Can anyone tell me if 3DFA can be used in Windows 7 ?
Thanks in advance
Contrary to other advice you might have read - I have been using the latest version in Windows 7 for months now - with no tweaking etc required either of my OS platform or the app itself.
As one chap says - give it a try - its free to try!!!
Senior Member
....yeah I did an install on 7 just to see, and it works fine.
I have used Flash 3D animator with Windows 7. However, there are features that don't work. For instance, when I want things to hide and show, I can get them to show once, but they don't hide afterwards. I used to make great pages in which text would show as the mouse hoovered over the button and hide afterwards. I have not been ablo to do that with W 7 and F3DA
sry for my bad school english (I´m from germany) 
yes work fine in win 7
Thank u,
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