PLEASE help me with as3 code, im close to my deadline!
Hi, in a game im making for college i want to disabled the keyboard input for a short while (maybe half a second, it doesnt really matter), but then to be enabled afterwards
My game is kinda like guitar hero, the player uses 3 keys and presses them everytime the eggs (lol yes egg) reach the part on screen where the player has to press the key, but what is stopping them from permanently holding the key down? Because ill code it so that if the key is pressed and the egg collides with the hitpoint then add to score.
Please help, i want to so that they cant hold the keys down, so that they have to keep pressing them???
KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP - user presses a key and then you wait until they release it before your code accepts another input. Theoretically that should work.
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