I have some really nice 3d animation (not sure what it was created in) which has been supplied to me as exported .tga files.
A particle 3d animation has been supplied to me in 610 single stills so as you can imagine when I import it into flash the SWF file size is large in fact it is around 80mb.
Does anyone have any suggestions i.e. use a specific flash plugin for .tga files or suggest the 3d animation be exported as a different format??
I wanted to add each still to a separate frame so that I can control the animation.
I'm really not sure so any suggestions would be a big help.
I have no experience with 3d files in Flash, but have faced a similar situation. I created a program to "spin" an image of a product. There were actually 180 images (one image for every 2 degrees of rotation), and I DID NOT want to import one image to each frame. I renamed all of the photos in sequential order (image_1, image_2,...) and then had the images load depending on the location of what I called the "mover" in relation to the "slider_bar". It looked similar to this:
PHP Code:
var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loadImage);
function loadImage(ev:Event):void{
var pos:uint = ((mover.x-slider_bar.x)/slider_bar.width)*180;
var ldr:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images/image_"+pos+".jpg");
var ldr.load(url);
I no longer have the one with 180 images, it now belongs to the client I made it for. Here is one I threw together really quickly this morning. Hope it helps you.
Just add a slider from Window>Components to your library and here is the AS3 code: