
really need some coding for a tricky Actionscipt issue for a Uni assignment...

what i have is a circle image (for this purpose lets say it looks like a clock). For example: when you click 3 o'clock, the whole clock needs to rotate around with the 3 o'clock btn at the 6 o'clock position (with the pivot point in the centre). each of the 'time' positions (2 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 4 o'clock ...etc) needs to be a button and thus be able to rotate around to the 6 o'clock position.

This would seem simple enough by just using a .rotate value or using tween movieclips...however the tricky part is:

the actionscript needs to determine which way the clock turns (anti/clockwise), dependant on where the clicked time-btn's position is. it needs to be some sort of if statement that says:

if (3'oclock-btn) is positioned between 0 degrees (being original 12'oclock position) and 180 degrees (original 6 o'clock position), then rotate clockwise to the 6 o'clock position. If the (3o'clock btn) is positioned between 180degrees and 259 degrees (12 o'clock position), rotate anti-clockwise to the 6'oclock position.

im really deserate for this actionscript, my assignment is due in 2 weeks from today, so if anyone knows a solution- i would be forever grateful