best app on earth !!!
Hello together,
i was serching 3 years ago, after that software i found
today. It´s 3DFA. It is so great that i play every day with
it and reinstall my windows, to have it a lil bit longer.
(not realy good, i have to stop it) 
So i try out "koolmoves" but its not user-friendly. Its more
coder-friendly. So i am much faster with 3dfa and don´t have
to type a lot in the script. Im also not a coder. And Koolmoves
has not the capabilities as 3dfa has. Scripting in koolmoves isn´t
so nice as in Flash CS3 for example. I know, this is why the app
is cheap. But in comparsion to 3dfa it sucks. IMHO.
Now Adobe releases the Flash Catalyst. I give it a try. But it also sucks.
It Doesn´t have the capabilities that 3dfa has. That is, what i find out.
And this is, what i can´t understand. There seems to be a big demand
after that kind of software. And 3dfa was 10years before catalyst availible.
I think there is a wonderfull future for a software like 3dfa. Because
its really simple, fast & powerfull. It should be developed further....!!!
What so you all think about this? Do you have tryed out some other
software in comparsion to 3dfa? What is your opinion? And so on....
all the best
Senior Member
I find it funny that your one and only post is to praise 3DFA and bash KoolMoves. I own both and like both. But 3DFA is dead and KoolMoves is actually pretty easy to understand, whether you code with action-script or not. Oh and KoolMoves is up to date.
I'm still trying to figure out why I even responded to this post???
thank you for respond. Second, i wanted to say that koolmoves
is ok, if you want to animate something it´s kool. But for non-
coding actions it doesn´t has so much capabilities as 3dfa, imho.
Of course, if you know AS2.0 (AS1.0) or AS3.0 well, you can do everything
with koolmoves. But then you can even do everything in "notepad"
and use this.
For Example, if i want to get an action in koolmoves, i have to serch
wich command / code is the right for my current scene. If i found the
code, the program doesnt ask me, which element should be driven by this.
And after that i have to check if the syntax is correct. So many questions
for a non-coder like me. Or am i missing something.....? Don´t know, maybe
koolmoves has some secret´s.
What do you think about node-based Visual coding, like in kismet, 3dvia studio
or unity3d (VIZIO)?
KoolMoves Moderator
Koolmoves does have an alternative interface for non coders. With the built in motion scripts and such it's pretty easy to do the basics without really any coding. What is great is you have the option of full script support and compatability with Flash.
3DFA when I had it was indeed the easiest flash creation tool I'd ever found and I too thought it had great promise, but it lost it's focus and support dried up and what you are left with is a buggy unsupported out of date program and as such I could not reccomend it. Frankly the forum here is so unused and not supported by 3dfa that I would not be surprised to see it get removed in the near future.
with "alternative interface" you mean the "Wizards" mode, right? And true, there
are so much predefined motions. And AS3.0 support sounds also kool. But for
me AS2.0 is enough. I read some time ago, that AS3.0 is more efficient in the per-
formance area in comparsion to AS2.0. Im not sure...
Despite all the comments // comparsions, i like the workflow of 3dfa, more. Maybe i´m
the only one, as said before :-) Do you know about the Flash to html5 converter. I saw
a presentation on Youtube. Sounds pretty well. But i´m not sure if it will only support
AS2.0 or AS3.0 . Don´t get it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryZP0...layer_embedded
Senior Member
I would LOVE to see 3dfa getting updated. I mean it has/had so much promise, but I'm with everyone else, in that I just don't see it happening.
Paying for an upgrade is a very do-able option, but I think that whole discussion was the death of the prgram in the first place.
Anyway I still check in here from time to time, and actually use the program on a very regular basis. In fact it still does everything I need it to do, but then again, I'm running 3 seperate versions to sidestep various bugs....
me too. Want to see an kool update. But who knows, what will be happening.
Maybe the developer switched to an another app. Maybe he was hired. Who knows...
I will also stay close to 3dfa, the hope die as last.....or so ;-)
Zoranvedek could you describe which versions and what bugs they allow to bypass?
Senior Member
 Originally Posted by sital2
Zoranvedek could you describe which versions and what bugs they allow to bypass?
Okay, first things first...
...the comment you are replying to is literally, and I mean that in the most literal sense,10 years old.
Roll that around in your head for a while.
A decade ago I made this comment, about a program that hasn't even been developed for about a decade, that is a third party app made to design Flash, which was completely discontinued by Adobe, in January....
...and has been actively being phased out for the last 5+ years.
Not only do I not know what I was referring to in this comment, but it's absolutely irrelevant in any real sense because no one, and I mean no one, in their right mind is even using Flash anymore.
So in short. I got no idea what you're asking about, and you're a decade late to the party.
Thanks for the answer anyway.
 Originally Posted by zoranvedek
Not only do I not know what I was referring to in this comment, but it's absolutely irrelevant in any real sense because no one, and I mean no one, in their right mind is even using Flash anymore.
Of which I am glad, because I continue using it and I consider Flash the best programming language that has been made since the existence of computing...
And that it was eliminated precisely for this reason, because it was the best, and many companies did not like this...
The behavior of large software companies is criminal, let them do whatever they want, html5 and whatever, but why block a language that perhaps more than 40 million people lost many years learning???
If the world were fair, those who removed flash should be in jail for life...
Thanks for the answer also
Of which I am glad, because I continue using it and I consider Flash the best programming language that has been made since the existence of computing...
And that it was eliminated precisely for this reason, because it was the best, and many companies did not like this...
The behavior of large software companies is nor good, let them do whatever they want, html5 and whatever, but why block a language that perhaps more than 40 million people lost many years learning???
Senior Member
Flash was killed because Steve Jobs didn't want anyone just making online apps and games with Flash because he knew it would have an effect on Apple's app sales and Apple developer registration. And for some reason everyone bought his "Flash is a security threat" BS. It's actually less of a threat than all these third party developers creating their own javascripts.
Last edited by FLASHPULSE; 10-04-2023 at 05:23 PM.
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