I have this below php script. It's looking for what the value of the wordpress page title wp_title(''); is and then setting the value of $area to it.
PHP Code:
$soundset = wp_title('');
if ( $soundset = "about" ) {
$area = "about";
} elseif ( $soundset = "main" ) {
$area = "main";
} elseif ( $soundset = "voices" ) {
$area = "voice";
} elseif ( $soundset = "fun" ) {
$area = "fun";
This is working fine.
In my flash file on the first frame of the movie. I have this actionscript.
I'm trying to read in the value of $area so it can populate this piece of actionscript where _global.myArea is.
Actionscript Code:
this.note1.loadSound("../../sounds/" + _global.myArea + "/note1.mp3", true);
I can't seem to figure out how to get flash to read a variable that is in the php page the swf is running on.
Can someone point me in the right direction?