formerly hooligan2001 :)
So whats everyone been up to?
Exactly what the title says. I keep checking in to see what everyone been up to over the last couple months? It's been kinda quiet here of late and I've seen no giant PIMPS or cool projects from anyone.
Personally, I've been working with a unity 3d iphone game (finished soon hopefully) and a facebook game (been working on it for a while and seems to be a while more) not much other then that.
Everyone still using flash or moved on to better thing?
Just decided to randomly check up here myself. I used to love coming here asking my noob questions about Flash.
Currently I've switched gears from actually programming (though I am doing my own little project), to the role of a project manager. Been working with a team of people in producing a Tactical RPG. It's going extremely well, so hope to be able to link the demo here in June!
formerly hooligan2001 :)
Osteel: Yeah same here, I used to bother phreax and madsci a lot when I first started. Seems like a while ago (old username was hooligan2001).
Is the RPG written in flash?
jtnw: wow 10 years. Time fly's. What sort's of stuff are you working on with PHP?
Senior Member
I'm just chillin, I have 2 projects going on, one with an artist and a musician, and another solo (dev blog @ www.psvilans.wrongbananas.net )
But for the next week+, I know I'll be busy with this: http://board.flashkit.com/board/showthread.php?t=821493
I love vegetarians! More meat for the rest of us!
formerly hooligan2001 :)
Good to hear your keeping yourself busy Pazil.
Thanks for the heads up on the mole hill stuff. I saw this morning that you can now or soon export unity to flash? Heard anything about this?
Senior Member
No, I haven't at all! I don't really keep up with the Unity scene, but that sounds interesting! With all these tech's going on it's looking like the web is leaning to a one tool fits all solutions type of thing almost...I find it hard to distinguish between all of them anymore...
I love vegetarians! More meat for the rest of us!
Yes, it's being programmed in AS3, but strictly script only. No timeline/stage stuff here. Actually, you can view the current game engine build at: http://www.devworld.ca/game/index
We're taking on an artist for hire within the next week. So hopefully that'll make it look a bit more visually appealing. Hah!
formerly hooligan2001 :)
Pazil: Yeah I've been using unity for a little while and saw a few of the people I follow on twitter mention it. But yes does look promising, especially for an indie dev. Now just waiting for Epic to release a web player for the UDK and that will be dream come true.
Osteel: Looking good already, great work. I used to love a couple tactical rpg's back in the day. Vandal Hearts and FFTactics. Looks promising. I hope it all works out.
formerly hooligan2001 :)
Yeah, nick used to be hooligan2001 but had to log in when I was away from home one day so made this nick and just stuck with it since. I hated the 2001 part anyway.
Sounds cool what your working on. Take long to get it all working?
That's my full time job working on websites and web apps. The world-arcade stuff is just a side project which is essentially going to be a giant web app when its done. Lately I've become a little lazy and using jQuery for my Ajax stuff and front ends
Pumpkin Carving 2008
Like a lot of people, life got in the way. I moved around a bit and landed a 9-5 in a new town doing vb.net. I'm still taking college courses so I average about 30 minutes a day to myself. No time for Flash!
The 'Boose':
ASUS Sabertooth P67 TUF
Intel Core i7-2600K Quad-Core Sandy Bridge 3.4GHz Overclocked to 4.2GHz
8GB G.Skill Ripjaws 1600 DDR3
ASUS ENGTX550 TI DC/DI/1GD5 GeForce GTX 550 Ti (Fermi) 1GB 1GDDR5 (Overclocked to 1.1GHz)
New addition: OCZ Vertex 240GB SATA III SSD
WEI Score: 7.6
formerly hooligan2001 :)
Its a shame mate you were pumping out some good content, but I know what you mean. Hobbies sort of have to take a side step for full time work and other more important things.
What are you studying?
Pumpkin Carving 2008
 Originally Posted by .hooligan
Its a shame mate you were pumping out some good content, but I know what you mean. Hobbies sort of have to take a side step for full time work and other more important things.
What are you studying?
Won't be long before I have a Bachelor's in Game Design and Simulation. Currently doing a 9-5 in the states for a company that orchestrates OSHA web-training modules (I essentially just flag support calls and set up training sites). But yeah, I just don't get the time to dabble in homebrew like I used to. Any time I do get usually puts me neck deep in HTML or Java (ironically I don't do much game programming at all).
The 'Boose':
ASUS Sabertooth P67 TUF
Intel Core i7-2600K Quad-Core Sandy Bridge 3.4GHz Overclocked to 4.2GHz
8GB G.Skill Ripjaws 1600 DDR3
ASUS ENGTX550 TI DC/DI/1GD5 GeForce GTX 550 Ti (Fermi) 1GB 1GDDR5 (Overclocked to 1.1GHz)
New addition: OCZ Vertex 240GB SATA III SSD
WEI Score: 7.6
formerly hooligan2001 :)
"Bachelor's in Game Design and Simulation"
Nice, anything specific you want to get into after you finish the course. Working for a studio or indie? Or prefer to stay in your current line of work?
Pumpkin Carving 2008
 Originally Posted by .hooligan
Nice, anything specific you want to get into after you finish the course. Working for a studio or indie? Or prefer to stay in your current line of work?
I want to stay wherever the money is, mate. I am enjoying my current job, only because it's new and refreshing but I can see myself here for a while until school is over and done with. After that I would -prefer- a job that actually utilizes my degree (GDS does a lot with C# and XBLA), but I'm not rushing into it. I have a lot of time to do it. I mean, look at Squize; he's like 65 and still churning out gold.
The 'Boose':
ASUS Sabertooth P67 TUF
Intel Core i7-2600K Quad-Core Sandy Bridge 3.4GHz Overclocked to 4.2GHz
8GB G.Skill Ripjaws 1600 DDR3
ASUS ENGTX550 TI DC/DI/1GD5 GeForce GTX 550 Ti (Fermi) 1GB 1GDDR5 (Overclocked to 1.1GHz)
New addition: OCZ Vertex 240GB SATA III SSD
WEI Score: 7.6
formerly hooligan2001 :)
I want to stay wherever the money is
Hehe, thats probably the smartest thing to do.
I mean, look at Squize; he's like 65 and still churning out gold
I heard his like 75+ . I see what your saying, still plenty of time. Plus industry could be completely different in a few years time and be even more viable for indy and more jobs developers etc.
Pumpkin Carving 2008
 Originally Posted by .hooligan
I heard his like 75+ 
Yeah, last year I got a mailed invite to his AARP induction ceremony.
The 'Boose':
ASUS Sabertooth P67 TUF
Intel Core i7-2600K Quad-Core Sandy Bridge 3.4GHz Overclocked to 4.2GHz
8GB G.Skill Ripjaws 1600 DDR3
ASUS ENGTX550 TI DC/DI/1GD5 GeForce GTX 550 Ti (Fermi) 1GB 1GDDR5 (Overclocked to 1.1GHz)
New addition: OCZ Vertex 240GB SATA III SSD
WEI Score: 7.6
Hype over content...
First time I come here for ages, and I find you two being a pair of bitc'hes 
Pumpkin Carving 2008
 Originally Posted by Squize
First time I come here for ages, and I find you two being a pair of bitc'hes
It's called bait, you dirty geezer.
The 'Boose':
ASUS Sabertooth P67 TUF
Intel Core i7-2600K Quad-Core Sandy Bridge 3.4GHz Overclocked to 4.2GHz
8GB G.Skill Ripjaws 1600 DDR3
ASUS ENGTX550 TI DC/DI/1GD5 GeForce GTX 550 Ti (Fermi) 1GB 1GDDR5 (Overclocked to 1.1GHz)
New addition: OCZ Vertex 240GB SATA III SSD
WEI Score: 7.6
formerly hooligan2001 :)
You know we love you.
What's been crackin anyway?
Hi. Doing a HTML5 project right now. Bye.
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