formerly hooligan2001 :)
 Originally Posted by mr_malee
Hi. Doing a HTML5 project right now. Bye.
So this guy isn't dead. Well be sure to show us your secret HTML5 project when its done.
Working on AS3, music composing and production. Heh.
 Originally Posted by .hooligan
So this guy isn't dead. Well be sure to show us your secret HTML5 project when its done.
I'm a lingering stench these days.
formerly hooligan2001 :)
 Originally Posted by adit_ya_sharma
Working on AS3, music composing and production. Heh.

Nice, composing just for fun or projects? Could you look at a game screenshot and tell which music would best suit it? I'm about to finish an iPhone game and can't decide what type of music it should have.
 Originally Posted by mr_malee
I'm a lingering stench these days.
Heh I knew I could smell something iffy. I guess a lot of us are just popping our heads in these days. Is it that FK is dead or less people use flash now
 Originally Posted by .hooligan
Nice, composing just for fun or projects? Could you look at a game screenshot and tell which music would best suit it? I'm about to finish an iPhone game and can't decide what type of music it should have.
Recently composing/producing mainly pop beats and tracks, not at the sound master stage yet, though do show me the image and I'll share my opinion.
formerly hooligan2001 :)
Sweet I should be finished in the next couple of weeks. I'll post it up here to get a few opinion's for the music.
Senior Member
 Originally Posted by .hooligan
I guess a lot of us are just popping our heads in these days.
head pop
formerly hooligan2001 :)
Hey fil_razorback, whats been cracking? Still working on Partisan Tactics Battles? Was always hanging to try it out.
Last edited by .hooligan; 03-31-2011 at 08:36 PM.
Senior Member
Nope, this one has been postponed to a distant future unfortunately.
The good news is that the artist and I recently dug it up from the ground and started a smaller project using some of its assets =)
Senior Member
Since the intense Flashkit period, I've quit my day job and I'm a freelancer. Doing iPhone, Android, Blackberry and Flash stuff for myself and customers.
My latest flash stuff is http://vimeozzle.com/
I earn a lot less money than before but I like the freedom of being freelancer.
formerly hooligan2001 :)
Nope, this one has been postponed to a distant future unfortunately.
Sorry to hear, that was looking like one sexy game
Sietjp: Nice mate, working as a freelancer has its perks working own hours. Unless your super busy. Cool site btw.
hey Sietjp - I bought Mozzle for my i-doodah the other day, absolutely love it!
Senior Member
Thx. @mentuat, really glad you liked it, I got good iTunes reviews for this game but not a ot of sales (so far). Working on an update with more levels.
formerly hooligan2001 :)
Sietjp: What are your experiences with the app store? Do you find its harder to get noticed then releasing a regular web game?
Senior Member
Wow, I suddenly decided to visit back here and it seems some of the old almost-assumed-dead lurkers are starting to return to the board....
Well as for me, I just finished school and now doing 9-5 on php and normal web dev.... I hardly am getting any time to sleep, let alone do any games(sigh....). But atleast I haven't been totally away from flash, cause among my web-dev stuff I get to make slideshows, mp3 players, and some flash based effects from time to time....I just hope I can get a more stable position in my career soon, and find time to do what I really like to do....make games.
If you like me, add me to your friends list  .
PS: looking for spriters and graphics artists for a RPG and an Arcade fighting project. If you can help out, please pm me!
My Arcade My Blog
Add me on twitter: 
When in doubt ask
I have run out of new game play ideas. All that I find in new games currently published are remakes of old ideas with some new skins, and graphics. Haven’t seen an original idea of late. Hope I will find out one myself!!!
<signature removed by admin>
formerly hooligan2001 :)
bluemagica: Yeah, there is a few I still haven't seen for a while though. Actually come to think of it. I haven't seen the mods in a while?
PHP work huh. It seems that everyone has gotten fairly busy and had to put the leisure game programming to one side. Its a shame. Also hard to get back into something once you haven't done it for a while and not much time you want to rest in your time off.
Eager Beaver: No Ideas! I'm sure you have some. Also doesn't have to be original. How about altering an idea thats already out there. All good i'm sure you will get your original idea soon.
Good seeing you both still duck your heads in.
Senior Member
I've been freelancing...and I remembered how much I hate it. The first project was interesting, because it was new to me (Flash <> PHP <> Python script, working with Python was really cool!)
Now I need to do some dull parsing of a text file, and put that into a graphical representation, and then code a replayer of the text file (poker hand history)...bleeeeh.
My personal game projects have taken a back seat too...
 Originally Posted by .hooligan
Sweet I should be finished in the next couple of weeks. I'll post it up here to get a few opinion's for the music.
And definitely do! One thing I always find time for is: www.soundcloud.com/psvils 
Last edited by Pazil; 06-12-2011 at 05:49 PM.
I love vegetarians! More meat for the rest of us!
Yes we can
I´m doing stuff for all sorts of mobile devices mostly these days, for the past few months i was most busy working on this client project: http://vimeo.com/24896620
formerly hooligan2001 :)
Pazil: Hey man, long time. Sorry for the late reply. The music is awesome. Will definitely get your opinion once its ready.
I agree freelancing is a bit of a pain at times, would be nice to make a living only working on your own personal projects.
tomsamson: Yo, the main man returns Game looks great. What did you build it with? Unity? Or did you do all the OpenGL stuff yourself? Is stimunation still kicking strong?
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