formerly hooligan2001 :)
I was just wondering, of everyone who has ducked their head in to say hi. Who's missing?
People that come to mind phreax, marmotte, tonypa, mad_sci, renderhjs, ripX, magneto, pred, daydream, frag, lux, strillie, fillrazor
Sorry if I've missed anyone
Last edited by .hooligan; 07-21-2011 at 08:43 PM.
Reason: Thought of a couple more :)
Renderhjs sits behind me at work, don't think he likes this place anymore.
Hype over content...
I'm working on a project with Lux atm, I'll try and remind him about this place as he's got some sexy sweet art to show.
hooligan, no molehill for me yet, I keep wanting to do some abstract demo type stuff with it, but just don't have the time.
As to making a game with it, I dunno, I'm kinda dragging my heels to see what Unity come out with in terms of molehill support. Even just being able to use it as a level designer would be a thing of beauty, if it does as hoped and spits out a working game then that's just the best thing ever.
I've never been an early adopter, I came to as3 relatively late. I find it's best letting the clever people figure stuff out and learn from them.
formerly hooligan2001 :)
 Originally Posted by mr_malee
Renderhjs sits behind me at work, don't think he likes this place anymore.
Works at soap huh? Thinks his too good for us huh? His probably right...
PS: Didn't realise he was working in Sydney? Thought he was from elsewhere.
 Originally Posted by Squize
I'm working on a project with Lux atm, I'll try and remind him about this place as he's got some sexy sweet art to show.
Miss his artwork. Is this the RPG you've been working on for a little while?
Yeah the idea of using Unity like that would be cool. I've been using it a lot recently and having a visual editor like that would be handy for level design. I doubt a near future version of flash would implement such a thing.
I've never been an early adopter, I came to as3 relatively late. I find it's best letting the clever people figure stuff out and learn from them.
That's actually a pretty good idea. I think I'm going to wait a little before I attempt to fool around with molehill. Not really something I need at the moment.
Pumpkin Carving 2008
 Originally Posted by .hooligan
I was just wondering, of everyone who has ducked their head in to say hi. Who's missing?
Honestly, I don't devote time for it anymore. What with the Flash economy all but non-existent for freelancers, there's no real incentive other than personal preference. I rolled out the final beta of an AIR app I spent a few years on in my free time and it was well received. That was in late February; don't think I've even opened CS5 since.
All my work that I do now is job-related and that's pure VB/ASPX I'm afraid. I think the only reason I still visit is because the bookmark is still on my browser. Should something happen and I lose my bookmarks...
The 'Boose':
ASUS Sabertooth P67 TUF
Intel Core i7-2600K Quad-Core Sandy Bridge 3.4GHz Overclocked to 4.2GHz
8GB G.Skill Ripjaws 1600 DDR3
ASUS ENGTX550 TI DC/DI/1GD5 GeForce GTX 550 Ti (Fermi) 1GB 1GDDR5 (Overclocked to 1.1GHz)
New addition: OCZ Vertex 240GB SATA III SSD
WEI Score: 7.6
Hype over content...
"What with the Flash economy all but non-existent for freelancers"
You're doing something wrong then mate, it's as good as it's ever been post dot-com-boom.
Now tell me whos watchin......
Studying for mcat's, SMH....
Been a while since i visited. Been I while since i touched flash, lol. I have a few android apps out, nothing spectacular though.
Premed, heading into senior year. MCAT is next friday at 8am.. studying my ass off for that currently (and since vacation started ~ 2 months ago.)
Meh. Cool to see some of you again, others not so much 
<--- that guy looks like the guy from yahoo.
Pumpkin Carving 2008
 Originally Posted by Squize
"What with the Flash economy all but non-existent for freelancers"
You're doing something wrong then mate, it's as good as it's ever been post dot-com-boom.
It's hearsay, really. I suppose it's my own fault for not investigating the matter further than a few unmentionable forums I used to soak side-jobs from. Good to hear it's still alive and kicking; now I just have to remember how to code in AS3...
The 'Boose':
ASUS Sabertooth P67 TUF
Intel Core i7-2600K Quad-Core Sandy Bridge 3.4GHz Overclocked to 4.2GHz
8GB G.Skill Ripjaws 1600 DDR3
ASUS ENGTX550 TI DC/DI/1GD5 GeForce GTX 550 Ti (Fermi) 1GB 1GDDR5 (Overclocked to 1.1GHz)
New addition: OCZ Vertex 240GB SATA III SSD
WEI Score: 7.6
formerly hooligan2001 :)
 Originally Posted by ImprisonedPride
Honestly, I don't devote time for it anymore. What with the Flash economy all but non-existent for freelancers, there's no real incentive other than personal preference.
Yeah I hear you, my impression is that the industry is busier in different parts of the world and at different times of the year. Also the types of flash work sometimes seems scarce. I personally don't see to many sites built with flash these days, just mostly banner ads, mini promotional sites and the odd promotional game and these normally go to agencies first before freelancers. At least the bigger jobs seem too.
One reason why I think people stop hanging around here is because their done learning flash. It gets to the point where working with it either feels like a job or you lose that feeling wanting to fool around in flash because it was new to you and they move onto bigger and better things.
samvillian: Welcome back, long time. Hope the mcat's go well. I'm guessing there isn't much flash work in your future I hope Premed goes well for you, but when your not too busy pop your head in to say hello.
I'm feeling supersonic
This is great, like a high school reunion or something 
Dying under horrible client day job work at the moment, getting to grips with Unity3D in the off hours.
But speaking of client day job work, we had mr_malee's* pinball game for the film Horrible Bosses come through the office the other day, and typically, it's awesome 
*at least I think it is!
Senior Member
I guess a lot of people still makes money with Flash. Sponsored games mainly. But with people browsing the web more and more with tablets that are not capable (or too slow) to read Flash, let's face it, this is not a good trend for Flash.
Unity looks promising as the number of platforms explodes. But native coding will always beat them all. It's just a matter of days to learn a new platform.
Senior Member
Flash demand is abolutely down, unless you are a Flex dev. For some reason demand is still high for Flex.
I just finished an AIR app. It's an absolute pig on resources. FPS set to 40 and the damn thing uses 50% CPU resources just sitting there doing nothing. It's ridiculous and this is on a Windows 7, dualcore 2.4 ghz, with latest AIR 2.7 built from latest CS5.5.
I'm looking into HTML+JS using pre-made frameworks, otherwise I'm going to be homeless by next year.
Hype over content...
"Is this the RPG you've been working on for a little while?"
Oops, sorry, missed that. No, that's live on Facebook mate, it's being maintained by another team so I don't know what state it's in now ( Here if you're interested, Knight's Quest )
There's a certain beautiful irony that I must be one of the few people on here to actually have made an RPG, and that I'm one of the few people on here who never ever wanted to make one 
When you know are.
 Originally Posted by kdsh7
This is great, like a high school reunion or something
Dying under horrible client day job work at the moment, getting to grips with Unity3D in the off hours.
But speaking of client day job work, we had mr_malee's* pinball game for the film Horrible Bosses come through the office the other day, and typically, it's awesome
*at least I think it is!
Yeah, it's mr_malee's game! haha! I had the pleasure of re-skinning it. I've been at Soap for a couple years, I joined as the LA office was starting up. Been doing mostly games, but some banners and site stuff as well. You can see some stuff I've been doing at my portfolio site sonofbryce.com.
I've been in the depths of Flash but I'm kind of bored with it. I've been interested in experimenting with new stuff, been learning more HTML/CSS/JS/JQuery web stuff to get a feel for what it's all about. I was a lot more interested in HTML when it began seeming that Flash wasn't necessary for a lot of the more straightforward web/layout stuff. Javascript is a hindrance to me though, trying to figure out how scoping works and getting comfortable with that. Error city.
I've been into Unity for a while now but still haven't done enough experimenting with it. I participated in the Global Game Jam this year and our team did a Unity game, while learning it on the fly. It came out pretty good! Fortunately someone joined our team that knew Unity and saved our butts with the more of the complex things. It was a great way to learn the program, especially since we limited complexity by using spheres for our characters. And C# is a much better language than Actionscript from that experience because of all the math functions and utilities that it has built in. You can read a blog post about it, and download the project source at http://blog.sokay.net/2011/02/13/bry...game-jam-2011/
I like Unity, but it has a lot of quirks of its own. The concept of building a game out of an already made game engine was a bit different for me, and it took a while to figure out how to do small things like instantiating objects through code. But it's easy as hell once you get over the speed bumps, I think. And I very much like that it's fast.
2KHeroes / Sylvaniah designer
Thanks Squize!
Sorry, haven't been to this place for a long time - I don't do code since the shift to AS3, so hadn't any worthy tip to communicate 
I did, however collaborated with a few members of FK, a couple of times with Squize (so often actually that we could be married now, for all I know...), Alilm, Kill5, etc...
I have a blog that I try to update with the latest work, that can be viewed here : http://www.luxgames.net/blog/
As far as the latest work with Squize, here are a couple of screens :

As far as the industry go, IP, I find it rather active, specially if you have a full-time job, and don't rely on the pure game-making income. I'm still working in advertising full-time, but had a couple of freelance project in Flash, I-phone, Samsung BADA system, etc that were quite nice "bonuses"... Of course, I'm talking strictly from an artist point of view ...
Senior Member
Those screenshots dude...
I'm working on a top down shooter right now (well fine, it's been sitting still for a few months now because of other work, but it's still there!), which might include a spaceship and zombie-like things...
But your version is looking quite awesome so far! I'm loving the graphics! Are you guys leaning on the action side of things? Or puzzle? Becaue mine is delving deep into the horror side.
Also still missing from the thread is tidenburg and TOdorus...hmm...
Last edited by tonypa; 07-30-2011 at 01:21 AM.
Reason: language
I love vegetarians! More meat for the rest of us!
formerly hooligan2001 :)
kdsh7: Unity3D huh? What do you think? Its a fairly easy learning curve code wise. The only thing I found the hardest was progressing from 2D to 3D space for calcs eg quaternions.
Sietjp: Seems Unity3d has stolen a few people from flash.
Ray Beez: What frameworks have you looked into? Found any good ones?
Squize: That RPG is sweet. How long did it take to put together. It is funny that your one of the only people that I've seen finish an RPG in flash. Seen years of posts about people starting RPGs and the one guy that does finish one happens to be someone who wasn't originally interested in the idea. Just saw the screen shots luxregina posted of your new game. Game looks awesome. When are we expecting that bad boy to hit stores 
Son of Bryce: I see Soap has gone poaching all the talent in flashkit and is somehow responsible for everyone disappearing from the boards.
luxregina: That looks beautiful... I cant wait to check it out. I see you have been an extremely busy guy judging from the work posted on your blog. Amazing stuff.
Pazil: Your right I feel bad, left plenty of regulars off my list. Hows the top down shooter going? Do you think it has long to go before its ready for people to see?
Pumpkin Carving 2008
 Originally Posted by Son of Bryce
I've been in the depths of Flash but I'm kind of bored with it. I've been interested in experimenting with new stuff, been learning more HTML/CSS/JS/JQuery web stuff to get a feel for what it's all about. I was a lot more interested in HTML when it began seeming that Flash wasn't necessary for a lot of the more straightforward web/layout stuff. Javascript is a hindrance to me though, trying to figure out how scoping works and getting comfortable with that. Error city.
I strongly suggest you refrain from taking that stroll down the dark alley that is ASPX and .Net, then. You will lose a significant portion of your dignity along with your friends, hair, and sleep. I had the luxury of not having hair to begin with, so I fit right in at my office.
The 'Boose':
ASUS Sabertooth P67 TUF
Intel Core i7-2600K Quad-Core Sandy Bridge 3.4GHz Overclocked to 4.2GHz
8GB G.Skill Ripjaws 1600 DDR3
ASUS ENGTX550 TI DC/DI/1GD5 GeForce GTX 550 Ti (Fermi) 1GB 1GDDR5 (Overclocked to 1.1GHz)
New addition: OCZ Vertex 240GB SATA III SSD
WEI Score: 7.6
Hype over content...
Cheers Hooly 
I can't honestly remember how long it took, it was almost a part time thing between other projects until the last couple of months. Maybe 6 months in total for start to soft launch ?
It's an insane amount of work doing an RPG, and we did things like procedural maze generation to try and reduce development time ( Even so it took forever to set up all the rooms so they look hand designed rather than just a mish mash of randomness ).
With it being a social game you need to reduce the maintenance aspect as much as possible, as a case in point within two days of its soft launch someone had discovered a bug on dungeon 70 or something insane like that.
Pazil it's going to be a survival horror mate. We've got Nape in there for the physics, but there's no real puzzles as such, it's more for things like objects reacting correctly to gun fire / explosions etc. Physics puzzles are an easy thing for the player to screw up, and there's no restart option as such, so we had to make it really simplistic, like using a crate to hide behind to avoid turrets etc.
Yes we can
Hey there all, i´ve been working on a game a lot the last few days (weeks) so just getting to read up on all the posts now.
Cool to see more chime in =)
 Originally Posted by Olorin
And another old regular signing in here  Cool to see that there are still some familiar usernames here after all these years.
I've been doing flash games for clients and for my own site. Just released a new game this week: Dibblez Adventernity
And I'm finally going to switch from Flash 5 (not CS5, but 5, when Actionscript 1 was brand new) to CS5.5. Should be interesting...
Oh, sweet, hey there Olorin , very nice to see you checking in here, too =)
I tried your Dibblez Adventure, nice game =)
I like it that after the first tutorial screen it jumps right into the action with several enemies attacking one =)
After playing several levels the only things that felt off to me were:
-When completing a level/room the text in the stats boxes shows like in times new roman, maybe the font isn´t embedded
-also on that screen it says one would have to be logged in to get the progress saved but there´s no option right there to login, have the progress saved and continue.
Besides that, well, i always liked your friendly dibblez games =)
I´m almost scared to ask, how is your experience with CS5.5 now? =)
Regarding the whole html 5 talk, i totally agree with Squize who said this:
 Originally Posted by Squize
Nah not touched it mate, don't want to. I want to make games, not mess around with tech for tech's sake.
As far as I'm aware there's nothing in HTML5 that can't be done in Flash, so it would be a backward step. I don't do agency work anymore so I'd don't have to whore myself out by learning it.
For quite a while now i´m still getting into a lot of new tech, languages, tools etc but only if they bring some kind of advantage for what i´m doing over what i already use, not when the only benefit there is is that its hyped up as "the hot new ****" (while in many cases it really is worse than the stuff we already use).
With what´s called html5 the only reason it could have an advantage to me over flash/unity etc right now would be if it ran the same on all browsers without requiring a plugin and that´s just not the case at all when one does heavy interactive media mashups (which games are all about).
When its just about websites though and there stuff that can be done nicely in html+js i´m all for not using flash for that then =)
@Malee: Yeah very cool regarding your pacman mate, but yeah, i imagine how painful that must have been to do in html js combo, that´s probably also why we usually mostly only see such stuff done in html+js as experimental learning project one offs or when paid by MS or another bigwig to promote their browsers etc, i don´t see many others making games as usual every day hobby or job that way at all (yet).
Btw cool Renderhjs is sitting behind you, say hi, he´ll probably groan about my negativity again if he sees me talking about html5 =)
 Originally Posted by Squize
hooligan, no molehill for me yet, I keep wanting to do some abstract demo type stuff with it, but just don't have the time.
I've never been an early adopter, I came to as3 relatively late. I find it's best letting the clever people figure stuff out and learn from them.
Thought that was interesting, too =) For me its more a depends on what it is about =)
Like, is it usable at all now or when and how soon i think it will be ready and/or if i think my feedback and support would make it get closer to a cool state =)
Like with html5 stuff i feel like that´s years off to get anywhere close to what one can do in flash, unity etc regarding making games, since i´m mostly making games today i have no interest in that at all.
With flash and molehill i´m cautious and in "let´s wait and see" mode, too, the molehill demos all look very promising but yeah, i´ve been tricked way too often by Adobe hyping things up more than they could deliver so for now i´ll just wait until that runtime is released in final form on all platforms and i can see it performing great then before i spend too much time on it.
With several other tools, mostly 3D or game creation middleware though i´m an active beta tester though and quite excited about those when seeing how those have way faster update cycles and i also feel like the current thing is more usable for my needs and more of the feedback of the beta testers also actually gets listened to and bugs fixed etc in a timely fashion.
Just as comparison example: Recently i received a mail from Adobe support regarding a bug report i had files over 3 years ago. They wrote that they are working through old bugs and wanted to check back if i thought this was still an important issue.
While i thought its cool that they consider working through old bugs now i thought if he didn´t get how hilarious it is to ask whether a bug report i filed 3 years ago is still of importance to me, well, dunno what i could say to make em get that, so i haven´t replied to it =)
Compare that to let´s say udk where Epic releases a new dot version update with many improvements in pretty much monthly cycle or unity where its every few months (but in return with longer beta test phase).
Anyway, enough on that =)
@kdsh: Man, its been ages, hey there, how you doin? =)
@Ray: Man, that´s depressing =(
I see it like some of the others, i see a stronger focus on some money making ways (Facebook stuff, micro transaction stuff, while well, advertising clients business and demand is still high, payments of most portals when its about "sponsored" game releases aren´t that huge usually and going more and more towards paying dumping prices rates on most (if paying anything at all)).
I suggest if you want to stick with flash and if performance is an issue for the stuff you make then well, looks like not a big way around that with flash other than using stuff like Scaleform or using the new molehill apis.
@SonOfBrye: oh, cool you work at Soap, too, didn´t know that, some nice stuff you made for em, too =)
Also nice you got into trying unity, too =)
 Originally Posted by Son of Bryce
I like Unity, but it has a lot of quirks of its own. The concept of building a game out of an already made game engine was a bit different for me, and it took a while to figure out how to do small things like instantiating objects through code. But it's easy as hell once you get over the speed bumps, I think. And I very much like that it's fast. 
Yeah, i think those were pretty much my initial experiences with it, too =)
After using it for a longer while now i still feel that way on many ends with it, right now its still like the bizarro world brother of flash to me, everything that is bad to do or won´t run (well) at all when done in flash is usually super easy and nicely doable in unity and in return a bunch of things like just doing a basic 2d gui which is super easy to do in flash can take quite a while in unity, due to the lack of built-in visual workflow 2D graphics layout features.
Well, that may change soon when one of the next dot versions has that new 2D system built in in a few months, let´s see =)
But yeah, after all this time i still like it a lot that it performs so nicely on all platforms =) Though yeah, usually one gets into then maxing out those limits after a while, too =)
@Squize and Lux: Lovely, lovely art there, sweet you are doing some cool stuff together, looking forward to your new game =)
I first thought a scary 2d game in flash? but yeah, that art totally convinced me it could turn out quite nice =)
Last edited by tomsamson; 07-31-2011 at 09:44 AM.
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