Number Pyramid
Hi Everyone,
I am trying to reproduce a classic number pyramid in flash.
Its basically 3 text fields in a row with 2 text fields above them and finally a single text field at the top making a pyramid.
As you enter numbers in the bottom 3 fields the boxes above will show their addition up to the top box.
Just like this example:
If anyone could point me to a .fla file or offer any help it would be appreciated.
Nearly done it :)
Hi people,
Ok I've got his and it seems to work fine:
on (release)
_root.outputtext = _root.inputone - - _root.inputtwo;
_root.outputtext2 = _root.inputtwo - - _root.inputthree;
_root.outputtext3 = _root.outputtext - - _root.outputtext2;
The only thing is the whole thing is controlled by a button,
How do I make the text box outputs update real time as I enter the 3 values?
Hmm, try TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT...
I was searching for this solution, thanks philrober
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