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Thread: Generate and save xml to server with php - Twitter

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Generate and save xml to server with php - Twitter

    Hi, I'm not a professional, so please be kind!

    I'm trying to make a simple as2 flash twitter widget. I'm pulling the twitter user-timeline xml into flash via php and outputting the contents. It works inconsistently because of Twitter's rate-limiting policy.

    Even though I am using sharedObject to determine whether or not the xml needs updating, or not (depending on the time of the visitor's last visit), I'm still exceeding the rate limit - as this is per ip, not per user.

    So, what would be the best solution?

    Is it possible for the php to write the xml to a file on my server? The the flash would then request the xml directly from my server, not from Twitter.

    But how would I 'refresh' the xml to get my latest tweets? Even if just once a day?

    Thanks for any input

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    maybe such php script should look at last modified time of the xml file


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