How can I make games for ipad in flash cs5 on windows?
I own an ipad, but not a mac. I have a windows computer, and i dont really want to switch. Is it possible for me to create ipad games in flash cs5 and run them in realtime, in order to test them daily, without having to buy either a mac, or a apple developer program membership? If i decide to sell my game in the app store, i'll pay the 99$/€, but I don't want to make that investment before i even know whether im gonna spend time creating ipad games at all.
I am willing to do something like a jailbreak or something, if that is necessary.
Senior Member
You can't even publish to IPA without a mobile provisioning profile from Apple. To get that, you pay the $99.
Yes, it is possible to create iOS applications in Flash CS5 and run them in any iOS devices. You have to pay $99 in order to legally test your application in your device. Search on youtube, there's some alternative ways to bypass this.
I thought Apple had its own language that you need to develop apps in. Does an Ipad actually support Flash now?
Flash files like SWF and flash websites are not supported in Apple products, but you can export your flash game from Flash CS5 to a native iOS application and submit them to the Apple Developer Centre to distribute them in the app store.
Have a read for more details: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/logged_i...od_iphone.html
Adobe has released a tool called Wallaby to convert Flash to HTML5 that is compatible with viewing in iPhones and iPads, and possibly Windows 8 because Microsoft is planning to become Flash-free in their IE10. You can get read the news here: http://articles.businessinsider.com/...e-devices-ipad
This is Adobe's Wallaby: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/wallaby/
Adobe Air
You can makes apps in Adobe Air - your apps will work on Android, iOS & Blackberry (now available).
I suggest you download a good AS3 editor (FlashDevelop): http://www.flashdevelop.org/
And the Adobe Air SDK: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/air/air-sdk-download.html
And you're set to make apps!
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