Please Help!!!!!!!
i am using 3d flash animator
i am using some "Large Text" Elements,making some animation to that text.
what i need is to control the text of the "Large Text" from my web page,
using html..how can i do it??
there is another option: loading the text from some xml or text file,directly in flash,but that also i cant do with "Large Text"..
thanks you all:
Senior Member
In theory you could use a php script to pass a variable from an HTML link to a running flash page, your script would have to send variables to the Flash file and receive them from the link(i.e. a submit button), on your movie you'd need a movie script with your variables defined, then another script running on every frame looking for the specific variable, then once the variable is recieved you could go to a new scene and have the animation play.
I've never worked anything like this out, but I've used similair for posting to forms. When the form is sent it will update the file saying 'form sent', but I did this all in the SWF not from an HTML link, so like I said in 'theory' it should work.
If I had more specifics, then maybe I could figure out a work around.
can you please be more detailed about the 3dfa stuff?
couse i cant simply control Large Text element inside flash?
what are exactly the steps for dinamicly set text of that element?
supose i wnat to add "aaa" text.
its working with Small Text element with setting some variable and then assigning some text, but not with Large Text.
thank you very much
Senior Member
If you can do it with the small text elements, then use that, attach a variable to it, and use the variable with a script that will go to the next scene when the variable changes. In the next scene you can change your large text.
not working..
its the hole point,how can i assign it to large text?
i have movie script with 2 tabs
1:When moview starts
2:On Every Frame
when i have Small Text
i assigned it to variable Var1
in script ,in When movie Starts i put
Var1.text="aaaaaa"; and its working.
then i have Large Text element.
i turned on Advanced Options and assignedit to the
new variable, Var2.
what now?where should i write and what exactly? 
thanks you very much on your help and time
Senior Member
You won't ever be able to switch a large text using an input variable, you will have to have predefined options for what the text will be.
Using what you have, turn on advanced options<----very important!!!!!, then on scene one add your initial text and any animations you want it to do, add a new scene, in that scene add a 'stop animation' event, add a new scene, in that scene your next text and any animations you want it to do...
...go back up to the elements area and add an action, use it however you need to, but what you want is if var1=???, then goto and play scene 3, (sorry if that's a bit vague on the coding, it's 4 am here and I've been doing a bit of drinking )....
but you should get the idea. If you are wanting to make a large text write what your placing on an input, it just won't happen, for that you will have to use the HTML text option(or small text as it is now called)....
...but you can use variables to control scenes, and then put 'predifined' elements on those scenes, and go frm there.
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