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Thread: Finding remainders and assigning variables

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Finding remainders and assigning variables

    This is a flash AS3 related question.

    Firstly let me start by saying these forums are great what a wealth of knowledge.

    It is time for me to stop looking and start asking I'm afraid.

    Please help an old fella out with a taxing question.

    I wish to take a number

    Example 2.1

    And end up with two variables

    1st variable containing the whole number and the second with the remainder.


    var one = 2
    var two = 0.1

    I have tried the following

    var testnumber = 2.1

    var rounded = Math.floor(testnumber);

    trace("Rounded number");
    trace(rounded );

    var answer = testnumber - rounded

    trace ("answer");
    trace (answer);

    but the remainder number comes out with 0.10000000000000009

    Is there any way I can make this number become 0.1?

    To make matters more complicated I also wish to work with negative numbers.

    var testnumber = -1.4


    var one = -1
    var two = 0.4

    the var testnumber could be anywhere between -10.0 and 50.0

    Would this work the same as above if a solution could be found?

    Any ideas?


    Last edited by adey_flash; 06-28-2011 at 05:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Never mind I figured it out. Fresh eyes and a new day helped.

    var testnumber = 32.1
    var rounded = Math.floor(testnumber);

    trace ("Positive Numbers displayed and disected");
    trace (" ");
    trace ("Starting whole number");
    trace("Rounded Positive number");

    var answer = testnumber - rounded
    var roundeddecimal1 = Math.round(answer*100)/100
    trace ("Number after decimal point");
    trace (roundeddecimal1);
    trace (" ");
    trace (" ");


    var testnumber2 = -10.1
    var rounded2 = Math.round(testnumber2);

    trace ("Positive Numbers displayed and disected");
    trace (" ");
    trace ("Starting whole number");
    trace("Rounded Positive number");
    var answer2 = testnumber2 - rounded2
    var roundeddecimal2 = Math.round(answer2*100)/100
    trace ("Number after decimal point");
    trace (roundeddecimal2);

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