Ryan :D
"myapp.ipa" could not be added to itunes library
I've just got no clue what so ever,
anyhelp with this would be great!
I've got all legit certificates and mobile provisions and stuff.
I just got this error when dragging my .ipa over to my itunes library.
used flash cs5 on windowsxp on my desktop, transfered it over to my itunes on my netbook (windows xp)
was published without errors successfully, and just doesnt seem to be accepted!
my itunes is completely up to date as is my ipad
Thank you for any help!
are you just trying to test the app?
if you , do you have any devices setup as test devices? do they have the appropriate iOS developer certificates (from iOS dev site)? did you publish with the development provisioning file?
Ryan :D
hi sorry for a late reply i've just came back from holiday.
Yes, just wanting to test it on the ipad.
do you mean on the actual device? that would make sense.
I'll check that out in the morning, thank you very much for your reply!
yeah, it is best to test it on the actual device.
Ryan :D
Thanks for your help! It was that i didn't have it.
When i tried running the app i got this error
"The application was not installed on the "device name" because the entitlements are not valid".
so i'm guna have to do some more looking round haha.
If you've ever come across this problem it'd be great if you could help me
Hi, did you manage to solve this problem? It seems that i have the same (or similar) problem here and i would very interested in a solution, thanks!
I think i am going to start a new thread with my specific details ...
Ryan :D
hey! yeah i did in the end.
It turned out to be something to do with the mobile certificates and stuff like that. Online you have like app id's and stuff like that.
I made sure all that was perfect, then I carefully exported my app and dragged it over, worked a treat.
Hope you fix your problem!
Hi Ryan,
I fixed my problem too. It simply was, that I tried to install the app on an iPhone 3g - and I didn't know that this device isn't supported by the AIR for iOS export anymore. It now works perfectly on 3gs and 4 and had nothing to do with provisioning and certificates and that stuff.
Hi, did you manage to solve this problem? It seems that i have the same (or similar) problem here and i would very interested in a solution, thanks
Hey, start a new thread for your question and describe your issue - include error messages. Let us know what version of Flash you have.
Client Software Programmer
use itools 2013 it lets you install third party .ipas to your iphone/touch
Flash generated ios apps don't need any special software. They're regular apps.
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