how to get iphone/ipad app with flash cs5.5 on windows installed!?
can anybody please help me with this!? I need to build iphone/ipad apps with flash entirely on my windows pc. I managed to get a test app on my iphone 3gs last year - with flash cs5 and openssl under win xp. But now - with win7 (64bit), flash cs5.5, openssl1.0d and itunes 10.4 - it doesn't work anymore. I follow the same instructions like last year (from adobe) but in the end itunes tells me that this app "... is not installed on my iphone because it isn't compatible with this iphone" (my own translation, in german: "Die App 'Hello World' wurde nicht auf dem iPhone "iPhone name" installiert, da sie nicht mit diesem iPhone kompatibel ist.").
I am an apple developer and did all that provisionig staff several times, as i said, using openssl on windows. I have my testfile in flash and i can publish the ipa-file. I get no errors until i try to sync my iphone with itunes. Then i get the error message above and i absolutely don't know what went wrong!?
So, did anyone of you guys manage to get a flash project exported and installed on your iphone/ipad - entirely on windows (with the above mentioned tools)!!!??? Please tell me (and i am sure many others) how exactly did you do that!? Something must have changed since last year. Or is my iphone 3 gs simply to old now? Adobe says it is possible, so what am i doing wrong???
PLEASE, any help is extremely appreciated - THANKS!!!
Hi everybody,
obviously my problem wasn't due to windows and the above mentioned configuration besause my test app wasn't synced with my iphon 3g (not 3gs), but when I tested the same project with an iphone 4 it worked! So it seems that it is a problem with iphone 3g and firmware 4.2.1!?
Does anybody know what i can do to make it also run on my old iphone?
Inbetween I found out that iphone 3g isn't supported by the AIR for iOS export anymore. It took a while to find this info, but it works on iphone 3gs and 4 now!
[QUOTE=Tobler;4291489]Inbetween I found out that iphone 3g isn't supported by the AIR for iOS export anymore./QUOTE]
Can you give the source of information for this bit?
Sorry, I'm not sure anymore. I think it was in the help file under 'developing for mobile devices'!? But I've even seen it a second time inbetween anywhere and I can confirm it as I have my app in the store now.
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