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Thread: Tile-based collision detection

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Lightbulb Tile-based collision detection

    Hello guys,

    I've been working on a little game project of mine where I have a tile-based engine.
    I've got a lot so far... But the collision detection is not working for me.
    As far as I can see, it should work, but it just doesn't somehow.

    I've got a demo here:

    Move with WASD keys.

    The edge function for collidable tiles:
    function get_edges(object):Array
    	var r = Math.floor(Math.round(object.x+object.speedX+object.width*0.5)/WORLD.tileWidth);
    	var l = Math.floor(Math.round(object.x+object.speedX-object.width*0.5)/WORLD.tileWidth);
    	var b = Math.floor(Math.round(object.y+object.speedY+object.height*0.5)/WORLD.tileHeight);
    	var t = Math.floor(Math.round(object.y+object.speedY-object.height*0.5)/WORLD.tileHeight);
    	var tr = currentLevel[t][r];
    	var tl = currentLevel[t][l];
    	var bl = currentLevel[b][l];
    	var br = currentLevel[b][r];
    	var finalArray:Array = new Array();
    	finalArray["tr"] = tr;
    	finalArray["br"] = br;
    	finalArray["bl"] = bl;
    	finalArray["tl"] = tl;
    	finalArray["b"] = b;
    	finalArray["t"] = t;
    	finalArray["l"] = l;
    	finalArray["r"] = r;
    	return finalArray;
    and here's the code for the actual collision detection and collision resolving:

    function CollisionObjectTile(object)
    	var edges:Array = get_edges(object);
    	// GOING DOWN
    	if (object.speedY > 0)
    		if (in_array(edges["br"],collidables) || in_array(edges["bl"],collidables))
    			object.speedY = 0;
    			object.y = edges["b"] * WORLD.tileHeight - object.height * 0.5;
    			object.onGround = true;
    			if (! object.walking)
    				object.speedX *=  WORLD.groundFriction;
    	// GOING UP
    	else if (object.speedY < 0)
    		if (in_array(edges["tr"],collidables) || in_array(edges["tl"],collidables))
    			object.speedY = 0;
    			object.y = (edges["t"]+1) * WORLD.tileHeight + object.height * 0.5;
    			if (! object.walking)
    				object.speedX *=  WORLD.groundFriction;
    	edges = get_edges(object);
    	// GOING LEFT
    	if (object.speedX < 0)
    		if (in_array(edges["tl"],collidables) || in_array(edges["bl"],collidables))
    			object.x = (edges["l"]+1) * WORLD.tileWidth + object.width * 0.5;
    			object.speedX = 0;
    	else if (object.speedX > 0)
    		if (in_array(edges["tr"],collidables) || in_array(edges["br"],collidables))
    			object.x = edges["r"] * WORLD.tileWidth - object.width * 0.5;
    			object.speedX = 0;
    I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction or figure out what exactly I am doing wrong.

    Last edited by Murtada-King; 08-12-2011 at 08:49 PM.

  2. #2
    Bacon-wrapped closures Nialsh's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    You're checking the vertical cases before the horizontal cases, so they're winning every time.

    Try making them weaker.

    function CollisionObjectTile(object)
    	var BOUNCE = 0.5;
    	var edges:Array = get_edges(object);
    	// GOING DOWN
    	if (object.speedY > 0)
    		if (in_array(edges["br"],collidables) || in_array(edges["bl"],collidables))
    			object.speedY = -Math.abs(object.speedY) * BOUNCE;
    			object.y += object.speedY;
    			object.onGround = true;
    			if (! object.walking)
    				object.speedX *=  WORLD.groundFriction;
    	// GOING UP
    	else if (object.speedY < 0)
    		if (in_array(edges["tr"],collidables) || in_array(edges["tl"],collidables))
    			object.speedY = Math.abs(object.speedY) * BOUNCE;
    			object.y += object.speedY;
    			if (! object.walking)
    				object.speedX *=  WORLD.groundFriction;
    	edges = get_edges(object);
    	// GOING LEFT
    	if (object.speedX < 0)
    		if (in_array(edges["tl"],collidables) || in_array(edges["bl"],collidables))
    			object.speedX = Math.abs(object.speedX) * BOUNCE;
    			object.x += object.speedX;
    	else if (object.speedX > 0)
    		if (in_array(edges["tr"],collidables) || in_array(edges["br"],collidables))
    			object.speedX = -Math.abs(object.speedX) * BOUNCE;
    			object.x += object.speedX;
    Setting the position directly can be a jarring thing. Unless you can get your conditions perfect, it looks more natural to manipulate the velocity.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thank you for your response Nialsh,

    I always did it that way before, adjusting velocity instead of directly change the position of the object. But it's really not what I want for this project. A player is not supposed to bounce, he has to just stop when he reaches the ground.
    Besides, the ground is like quicksand now, I still need to move the player above/below the tile directly through the x/y coordinates so it won't slowly "fall" inside the tile. And then we have another problem: the bounce will have the player "blink" for 1 vertical coordinate all the time.

    I just don't understand why it's not working correctly. When you move left/right, object.speedX becomes greater or less than zero. Then I check for the edges top left or bottom left if object.speedX < 0 (because the player is moving to the left) and top right or bottom right if object.speedX > 0 (because player is moving to the right).

    So what I noticed is that the bottom edges seem to be inside a tile, causing the player to move very abruptly to the edge of a tile horizontally. But this shouldn't happen since I first check the vertical collisions (top left, top right and bottom left, bottom right) - meaning I put the object above the tiles so it won't collide with the tiles at the bottom at all (for at least one frame).

    But still even after I update the edges, they seem to be inside the tiles below.
    What am I not seeing?

    Edit: so I just changed this line:
    object.y = edges["b"] * WORLD.tileHeight - object.height * 0.5;
    object.y = (edges["b"] * WORLD.tileHeight - object.height * 0.5)-1;
    and it fixed a lot of problems. But still, I have some issues with jumping against vertically stacked tiles. So for example, if you hold down left/right and want to jump on a tile, it notices that the top edge of the object sticks inside the tile (because of holding the left/right key, you are adding horizontal velocity to the object).

    Any thoughts?
    Demo here: http://murtada.nl/experiments/tiles/v4/
    Last edited by Murtada-King; 08-24-2011 at 11:54 AM.

  4. #4
    Bacon-wrapped closures Nialsh's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    If you're pretty certain that you won't change your mind about representing the player's shape as a non-rotating rectangle, you can keep the math simple. Just check to see which dimension has the least overlap, and correct that one.

    function CollisionObjectTile(object)
    	var edges:Array = get_edges(object);
    	yOverlap = 0;
    	// GOING DOWN
    	if (object.speedY > 0)
    		if (in_array(edges["br"],collidables) || in_array(edges["bl"],collidables))
    			yOverlap = Math.abs(edges["b"] * WORLD.tileHeight - object.height * 0.5 - object.y);
    	// GOING UP
    	else if (object.speedY < 0)
    		if (in_array(edges["tr"],collidables) || in_array(edges["tl"],collidables))
    			yOverlap = Math.abs((edges["t"]+1) * WORLD.tileHeight + object.height * 0.5 - object.y);
    	edges = get_edges(object);
    	xOverlap = 0;
    	// GOING LEFT
    	if (object.speedX < 0)
    		if (in_array(edges["tl"],collidables) || in_array(edges["bl"],collidables))
    			xOverlap = Math.abs((edges["l"]+1) * WORLD.tileWidth + object.width * 0.5 - object.x);
    	else if (object.speedX > 0)
    		if (in_array(edges["tr"],collidables) || in_array(edges["br"],collidables))
    			xOverlap = Math.abs(edges["r"] * WORLD.tileWidth - object.width * 0.5 - object.x);
    	if (xOverlap < yOverlap && xOverlap != 0) { // handle X collision
    	} else if (yOverlap != 0) { // handle Y collision

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