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Thread: Projector and maximizing windows

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2011

    Projector and maximizing windows

    Not sure if this is do-able or even worth it. I have a CD project (projector) that I designed at 800x600 size. Now they are telling me they want to be able to resize it to any size depending on the end-users monitor. It does resize or maximize just fine but the JPEGS (photos) become all pixelated. If I embed the JPEGS at maximum size they appear at max size even in the small (800x600) window. Can I adjust the size of the JPEGS based on the window size, do I need to load 4 different sizes of JPEG to be prepared for this, and what would the code be? I'm not real good with actionscript. I hope that made sense.Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    KoolMoves Moderator blanius's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2011
    That seems like the right idea, however I'm still on Flash 8 and actionscript 2. Is there an older version of this tutorial?

  4. #4
    KoolMoves Moderator blanius's Avatar
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    Atlanta GA
    Dude time to move up, AS3 is life changing. It takes a little work to get used to it but once you do you wonder why you waited. Even if you don't have Flash CS4-5 or whatever it is now, there are a number of good options like FlashDevelop with the Flash SDK or 3d party programs like Koolmoves (which I am a user and moderator here for)

  5. #5
    KoolMoves Moderator blanius's Avatar
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    You can do it in AS2 but its been too long for me to remember where to help you with that. Basically you need to use EnterFrame event and check if stage size has changed then scale you images accordingly, Start with large images and when your program starts scale them down to the starting size and placement.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2011
    Yeah, I've been putting off CS-4or5 for a while now. Guess it's time. I kinda of figured how to do it with as2 but I need to step it up anyway. Thanks for the help.

  7. #7
    Lifetime Friend of Site Staff Northcode's Avatar
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    Search the archives of this forum. I created a utility you can use to detect the display resolution at startup and with that you can launch a different EXE for each resolution - including a "default" for resolutions you don't handle, or can't incorporate (a little future proofing). That gives you a few options. You can republish your project at different resolutions or you can use a screen resolution changer to force the resolution you want. Both of the tools I wrote are free and the posts that mention them will have download links.
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