Senior Member
Coffin Nails??
...sure do hate to admit it, but I was actually surprised this board was still here. Has anyone heard anything at all?
I got a new computer number about a month ago, so someone(or something) is still running the shop...
...was actually hoping to see some recent activity, an update, a good word from a developer, anything.
KoolMoves Moderator
There hasn't been a peep from anyone involved with 3dfa in a number of years. Flashkit recently asked me to retake being the moderator on this forum as well as Koolmoves forum just to have it covered and knowing I was once very active here.
The forum is still up to support those that still use 3dfa can interact and help one another.
I personally would encourage users to consider moving to a supported product.
Senior Member
I'm using Flash anymore, but I still break out 3DFA from time to time because it's a major time saver, especially on things like text effects....
...anyway was kinda hoping against hope there might be some kind of update in the future.
KoolMoves Moderator
I really think Koolmoves is a great balance of power and ease.
Senior Member
I haven't looked at Koolmoves in forever, maybe I'll give it a try again. Right now I'm up to my ears learning Maya and being bureid in Eglish Comp homework. It's amazing how much you forget when you've been out of school for 20+ years 
...hopefully this degree will be worth it.
KoolMoves Moderator
Good luck on the degree. The main thing I like about Koolmoves is the support.
Nearly any AS3 works, but it's easy to do simple stuff fully in the GUI with built in motion scripts etc.
Senior Member
I'm starting to think a more appropriate question at this point would be, "...is Flash dead?"... Adobe just announced no further support for moblie devices, and I'm currently beta-testing a product that uses CSS, JS, and HTML5 to render animations. The technology is years behind Flash though. To say the least it's weak, but maybe in a few months it will be upgraded to a more useable product. As for now you can do the most basic of things: move an object from point 'a' to point 'b', rotate, scale, and click...
...and to think I just wasted a little over $500 aceing my Flash course.
KoolMoves Moderator
No flash will remain just not in mobile browsers which makes sense, as a platform for apps it's only gotten stronger as AIR as spread. This is not good however for people like us that use non-Adobe software that we can afford, as we are getting a sidelined with out being able output for AIR on systems including mobile.
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