I'm working through some tutorials from my instructor to eventually build a simple e-com website for a state park. Basically, I'm using the two as3 files shown below and trying to get "bob" in my output with an array function and trace. Load store function is intentionally coded out. I've checked my code with my instructor's and I have no idea why it isn't working. When I test project, nothing comes up in output, and I have no errors.


package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;

public class Main012 extends MovieClip {

public function Main012() {
var tempArray:MovieClip = new TestArray();
this.addChild( tempArray );

function loadStore():void {
var store:MovieClip = new Store();
this.addChild( store );


package {

import flash.display.MovieClip;

public class TestArray extends MovieClip {
var myArray = new Array();

public function TestArray() {
myArray[0] = "bob";


Could it be attributed to some other as file in my project? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
