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Thread: ipa file not working on iPad

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  1. #1

    ipa file not working on iPad

    Hi, I am created an ipa file using flash cs5 and iPhone packager. The file is created successfully and I have used a correct UDID while generating certificates or mobileprovision file. But the file does not install on iPad.

    I simply used iTunes and draged the ipa file from my desktop to iTune app library. After that I synced the app. But it does not appear on the app list.

    Can anyone tell me, what could be the possible reason for this?

    Smile is a small curve which can solve big problems

  2. #2
    i have had a number of different issues with this.. it was caused by one of several things
    1) make sure you go in and manually check the box to sync the app in the app settings on the device in itunes
    2) make sure that you are using the development profile and that all certificates have been applied to the file and to the device

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