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Thread: Drag and Drop Button within MovieClip [Help thanks ^^]

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    Drag and Drop Button within MovieClip [Help thanks ^^]

    I'm Having a Problem on how to make things work here.

    Here's the Idea:

    I'm doing a Game Drag and Drop (Food Chain Game). I want it more attractive by having cool animations such as:

    1.) If the Object(Animal) is being hovered, an animation occurs such as Animal is being Frightened.
    2.) If the Object(Animal) is being Clicked&Drag, an animation again occurs such as an Animal is trying to get loose; the Fish is like taken from water or Others.
    3.) If then the Object is dropped onto any Boxes(Which I made an Array of Boxes), the Animal will likely to have been caught and Jailed and so whatever.

    also if the Object is not being Clicked/Hovered or etc. It will animate himself whatever animation I will make to him. thanks ^^

    That Idea made me think of Using a Button Inside a MovieClip, but when I tried doing it, Errors Came up and the MovieClip isn't draggable. also Errors appears like:

    flash.display::MovieClip; and etc.

    I know little on how to animate those things but my Problem is, I can't make it Work

    Any Help will be greatly APpreciated, You are my Only Chance. I can't attach my File because it's over the 300kb limit..

    Here's my External ActionScript for PublicClass:

    package Scripts
    	import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    	import flash.utils.Dictionary;
    	import flash.display.MovieClip;
    	import flash.display.Stage;
    	import flash.display.*;
    	import flash.display.Sprite;
    	import fl.transitions.Tween;
    	import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    	dynamic public class PublicClass extends MovieClip {
    		public var dict:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
    		public var correct = 0;
    		public var error = 0;
    		public var failed_attempt = 0;
    		public var hits:int = 0;
    		public var max:int = 0;
    		public var maxCount:int = 0;
    		public var droppedTargets:Array = new Array();
            public function PublicClass()
    // Listeners **************
    		public function mouseDownHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    			var object = evt.target;
    			parent.addChild( object );
    			stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHandler);
    		public function mouseUpHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    			var obj = evt.target;
    			var targetTrap = false;
    			for (var i:int = 0; i < dropTargets.length; i++) {
    				var target:MovieClip = dropTargets[i] as MovieClip;
    				if (target.hitTestObject(obj) == true) {
    					if (alreadyBeenDraggedCheck(target) == false) {
    						targetTrap = true;
    				stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHandler);
    			if (targetTrap == false) {
    			obj.x = obj.initial_x;
    			obj.y = obj.initial_y;
    		function test_match(target,obj) {
    			if (dict[target] == obj)
    				hits = hits+1;
    				max = max+1;
    				trace("Yes ! You got one !");
    				obj.alpha = 0.5;
    				obj.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
    				obj.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHandler);
    				centerMe (obj, target);
    				max = max+1;
    				failed_attempt = failed_attempt + 1;
    				trace("Missed :(");
    				obj.alpha = 0.5;
    				obj.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
    				obj.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHandler);
    				centerMe (obj, target);
    			if(max == maxCount)
    				button_btn.visible = true;
    			if(max > 0)
    				reset_btn.visible = true;
    		function centerMe(dragged:MovieClip,droppedOn:MovieClip):void {
    			var startX = dragged.x;
    			var startY = dragged.y;
    			var destX = dragged.x = droppedOn.x + ((droppedOn.width - dragged.width)/2);
    			var destY = dragged.y = droppedOn.y + ((droppedOn.height - dragged.height)/2);
     			var myXtween:Tween = new Tween(dragged, "x", Elastic.easeOut, startX, destX, 1, true);
    			var myYtween:Tween = new Tween(dragged, "y", Elastic.easeOut, startY, destY, 1, true);
    		function alreadyBeenDraggedCheck(dropCandidate:MovieClip):Boolean {
    			var alreadyDraggedOn = false;
    			for (var i=0;i<droppedTargets.length;i++) {
    				if (droppedTargets[i] == dropCandidate) {
    					alreadyDraggedOn = true;
    			return alreadyDraggedOn;
    // Pindutan **************
    		function Next(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    				if (hits == maxCount)
    					correct = correct + 1;
    					trace("Made it !!");
    					trace("You Made an Error!!");
    					error = error + 1;
    				gotoAndStop(frame = frame + 1);
    				max = 0;
    				hits = 0;
    				for each (var item in dict)
    				item.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler)
    		function nextStage(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    			gotoAndStop(frame = frame + 1);
    			correct = 0;
    			error = 0;
    			failed_attempt = 0;

    here's the Code in the Internal Timeline per Problem
    dict[box1_mc] = flower_mc;
    dict[box2_mc] = cater_mc;
    dict[box3_mc] = bird_mc;
    var dropTargets:Array = [box1_mc, box2_mc, box3_mc];
    frame = 4;
    maxCount = 3;
    button_btn.visible = false;
    reset_btn.visible = false;
    button_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Next);
    reset_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Reset);
    dict[box1_mc].initial_x = dict[box1_mc].x;
    dict[box1_mc].initial_y = dict[box1_mc].y;
    dict[box2_mc].initial_x = dict[box2_mc].x;
    dict[box2_mc].initial_y = dict[box2_mc].y;
    dict[box3_mc].initial_x = dict[box3_mc].x;
    dict[box3_mc].initial_y = dict[box3_mc].y;
    function Reset(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    	dict[box1_mc].x = dict[box1_mc].initial_x;
    	dict[box1_mc].y = dict[box1_mc].initial_y;
    	dict[box2_mc].x = dict[box2_mc].initial_x;
    	dict[box2_mc].y = dict[box2_mc].initial_y;
    	dict[box3_mc].x = dict[box3_mc].initial_x;
    	dict[box3_mc].y = dict[box3_mc].initial_y;
    	flower_mc.alpha = 1;
    	cater_mc.alpha = 1;
    	bird_mc.alpha = 1;
    	for each (var item in dict)
    	item.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
    	max = 0;
    	hits = 0;
    	reset_btn.visible = false;
    	button_btn.visible = false;
    Last edited by alvinklein29; 12-19-2011 at 08:19 AM. Reason: Update of Internal TImeline ActionScripts

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