I make a little game engine program for a specific game I was working on, with a considerable section of the code in the timeline of a .fla file. I plan on using the same code for both that game and another game, so I was going to move all the timeline code into a separate class, and move that and other classes into one folder which both games can access.

Each game will then have a separate .fla file holding the graphics and music and preloader and such, and another file holding other data specific to each game (probably .as class with static properties) in a separate folder, and will end up being complied as a .swf file with all the data embedded into it. Currently the extra data is just stored in variables in the classes which need to use them.

I'm unsure how to set it up so the non-specific game files can access that other file (in the same directory as the .fla file), depending on which .fla file the classes are accessed from.

So how should I do it?

The only way I can think of doing it is sending a reference to an object through the arguments of the non-specific classes, which would be pretty messy as only one or two classes need to use it, and to get to those it would have to go through other classes.

Also if there's a better way of storing data than using static property, let me know. (It has to be embed at compile-time, though.)

Any help would be appreciated