FK Mobile app
Is there any plans for FK to purchase the mobile applications from vBulletin for us to use ? These are the iOS and Android apps.
I see the forums here are still running 3.8.1 but the mobile apps still works for this version lthough it is optimised for 4.0
I purchased the apps or my forums and although the iOS app is waiting APProval the Android app has been downloaded over 2,000 times and our mobile browsing stats have increased by 22%
I think that the new Facebook app they have released is also a idea but I have not purchased it yet as I want them to iron out a few bugs first.
I'm not sure about the mobile app.... but using the "Archive" link at the botton of the page with your mobile app works fairly well.
Not as well as with oe of the apps as you can attach images from android and iod devices with the where you can not when visiting the site with the browser.
vBulletin 4 also ships with a FREE premium mobile style if FK was to be updated.
Senior Member
We've talked about the option in vB, and mobile device views have been on a steady rise for some time now, as with all browsing in general, not just FK. We are working on revamping many things for the site and perhaps it's time to put this one back on the table, provided the integration team can make it happen.
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