Masking off animated bubbles
I have done an animation where the mouse is followed by a steady stream of bubbles by doing this tutorial http://tutorials.flashmymind.com/200...ctionscript-3/ and I was wondering if you guys knew of a way to mask off the bubbles so they can rise behind a graphic in another layer? I've tried using a conventional mask and layers but they always seem to fly go over it any ideas?
Didn't find the perfect solution but reading this helped http://franto.com/inverse-masking-disclosed/
add two blankmovieclips to the stage one on top of the other (set with index setChildIndex) and then make sure the bubbles are being added to the the movieclip with the index of 0 and add your logo or what ever to the blank movieclip indexed at 1...
hope that helps some!
Flash Genie
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