ok evidently **** got to serous to quickly... so anyone who wants to step up and wreck BRING IT!
Open Volly, whatcha got?
I'm game
OMG I love you! woot thank god
biology nerd
 Originally Posted by YBAB
...2)I work all day as a professional artist and if on something like this i took more then 10 minutes i would feel like a failed artist.
4) everybody is big talk then they do not come trough but all the newbs ogles over bullcrap work...
5) putting horizontal or diagonal CRT display lines over something does not make it a unified composition...
Pretty ballsy insulting everyone's efforts the way you have. To be honest, I was expecting much nicer work from a "professional" who clearly thinks pretty highly of himself. Ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect?
 Originally Posted by ondraedan
Pretty ballsy insulting everyone's efforts the way you have. To be honest, I was expecting much nicer work from a "professional" who clearly thinks pretty highly of himself. Ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect?
you ever heard of i put maybe 5 mins top into any of these that Ive posted on here...
yea you seen to be effected by it... I make money constantly through my art abilities... I am a mutli award wining artist... so I guess I have ran into the bias of unskilled people to often?
get in on the game you wanna talk ****, because If you read my whole post you would see I said all that to instigate a battle and nothing else... but you prolly only selectively read context to get what you want out of it...
Dunning-Kruger effect played out in your english comprehension skills...
so in response to your holiness opinion on nothing... I intentionally made my next graphic to the level that I see most people attribute to a battle its a super **** image so if the next person does not want to volly off of it I would not be offended!

OOO wait i know, its missing something... lets do what a biology nerd would do to make it a unified composition!

yea thats how I see your battles... Dunning-Druger effect... Just because you come from the backing of the unskilled and have a group of them blowing smoke up your ass homie does not make you knowledgeable or make me respect your opinion...
Last edited by YBAB; 04-07-2012 at 03:07 PM.
Woa. YBAB, if you really did join just a year ago, I would pay heed to some members that have heavily contributed to this forum for nearly a decade. Also, if you really are this serious about battling, you should be spending less time bragging about your credentials and more time with your image editor open to make a return volley.
For the record, I think ondraedan made a valid point. You came off pretty pompous and, personally, I don't think you've shown us anything so far to validate your trash talk (whether or not it was an instigation). So get to work and drop something epic very soon to teach us how you got all of your awards.
I intentionally made it a crap image, to get a point across...
umm oh how about the first image of the horse? seeing how the original print went for over 10 grand...
and what am i to have my editor open for, to redo some psychedelic raptor, or to redo the Indian that was so skillfully dropped on top of my image...
and actually ive been with flashkit since the beginning just under different user names, your argument is invalid.
post something worth my time that gets me excited and maybe... till then Im gonna keep programing my Point of Sale system which is what is paying the bills this month...
if you are so interested in greatness then why don't you drop a rebuttal other then an opinion? (by the way I like your raptor, good job)
(please dont get offended for real about anything i have said im really REALLY am just doing it to stir up the bee hive per say...)
Ohh an before you post that someone contributes to a flash website.... why don't you take a look at his statistics... 90% of his posts are in the arena... this is a training website how is that contributing? adding more **** to the ****... people like 5tonofFlax are people that contribute... lets see one of yall in a discussion about development and see some actual contributions to the site...
Last edited by YBAB; 04-07-2012 at 11:46 AM.
Zacaboo you want to reset the battle and start with a new clean image seeing how we kinda stripped the unique elements out of the image in our two reply?
Ive got a **** ton of original art, that we can start off and will give you something more then just a suit and a partial raptor head for us to go at...
if you want to keep the image set we are on thats cool too, its up to you I just am trying to keep this thing rolling!
ehhh eff it I had a 10 min lunch break...

sorry about the text i know its lame, but I had a uber time limit! k back to work....
Last edited by YBAB; 04-07-2012 at 12:34 PM.
biology nerd
you ever heard of i put maybe 5 mins top into any of these that Ive posted on here...
So, you started this thread by saying that most people's images look like something you would be ashamed to spend more than 10 minutes on, then you go ahead and spend less than 10 minutes on all of your entries?
yea you seen [sic] to be effected [sic] by it... I make money constantly through my art abilities... I am a mutli award wining [sic] artist... so I guess I have ran [sic] into the bias of unskilled people to [sic] often?
Your argument, then, is that you are a good artist because some individuals enjoy your work? Isn't that what you're bashing on me for? The simple fact that people have complimented me on some of my old battle images?
get in on the game you wanna talk ****, because If you read my whole post you would see I said all that to instigate a battle and nothing else...
The point of my reply was to communicate to you, in a way that would hit home, that your trash talk came off as extremely hostile and insulting. When this part of the forum was active, it was a place where people would come to get constructive criticism and improve their work. There was some friendly trash talk, sure, but nothing like the stuff you started off this thread spouting.
...so in response to your holiness opinion on nothing...
...lets do what a biology nerd would do to make it a unified composition!
...yea thats how I see your battles...
...them blowing smoke up your ass homie does not make you knowledgeable or make me respect your opinion...
You seem to have really fixated on trying to insult me. Why?
It's clear you don't like my images, I'm fine with that. You've brought up this problem that you have with the use of various textured overlays (diagonal lines, grids, etc.), and it seems to me that you're insinuating that all of my old images used them. Did you look at all of my old stuff, or did you look through a page or two of one of my (first) battles? You don't know me or my work, sir, though it appears that you think that you do.
I never claimed to be a great artist, though you assume that I fancy myself one because you read through a few compliments that the arena members gave me on a few images. I don't do this for a living, I (used to) do it as a hobby. If it helps you sleep better at night, know that I don't believe I'm anything special.
please dont get offended for real about anything i have said im really REALLY am just doing it to stir up the bee hive per say...
Once again, you said some pretty gnarly stuff to Zac, then you say don't take it personally?
90% of his posts are in the arena... this is a training website how is that contributing?
I'm sorry that our little corner - or what was our little corner - of FK doesn't fit into your perception of what FK is as a whole. However, if you talk to any of the guys that were active here from 2004-2006 or so, they'll tell you that we each played a big role in improving each other's abilities. If that isn't contributing to the role of FK as a place to develop skills, then I don't know what is.
I realize that you didn't enjoy having someone say that they didn't like your work, no one likes that, so I apologize. I logged in last night for the first time in over a year to find that some guy was bashing what we used to have quite a bit of fun doing here, and I got a little grouchy. You should recognize that the things I said to you were really no different than what you said in your initial post to the entire arena.
#stop talking at do some art...
 Originally Posted by ondraedan
I realize that you didn't enjoy having someone say that they didn't like your work, no one likes that, so I apologize. I logged in last night for the first time in over a year to find that some guy was bashing what we used to have quite a bit of fun doing here, and I got a little grouchy. You should recognize that the things I said to you were really no different than what you said in your initial post to the entire arena.
im not offended if you could see me im smiling! ^_^ thank you for actually getting involved in this thread flaming or battling or what ever as long as there is activity, you sir fell an active roll into my plot
please dont take anything on here serous, its just the internet! Im hoping a little bit of rage will inspire you to kick my ass digitally... call me a neosado...
P.S. did you see me troll your 7 year old thread!!! haha thought that was fun too...
Last edited by YBAB; 04-07-2012 at 07:22 PM.
 Originally Posted by YBAB
Zacaboo you want to reset the battle and start with a new clean image seeing how we kinda stripped the unique elements out of the image in our two reply?
No thank you. I've suddenly lost my appetite.
tiss sad, I really liked your reply.
night all.
 Originally Posted by ondraedan
However, if you talk to any of the guys that were active here from 2004-2006 or so, they'll tell you that we each played a big role in improving each other's abilities.
Dunning-Kruger effect....
you should have never dropped that... all your doing is explaining to me how to fall victim to something, that you claimed another party was suffering from. (only reason I got offended which i should not have because like i said before its just the internet...)
for real though, just post some art make it something awesome that makes me look like a fool! that is the whole point of this... honestly If I made you upset with anything I said I really am sorry, I just wanted to get people pissed off enough to hopefully want to battle it out, but it seems no matter what this area is dead... sad...
and no one should get offended over a little smack talk this is a "BATTLE"
1.a hostile encounter or engagement between opposing military forces: the battle of Waterloo.
2.participation in such hostile encounters or engagements: wounds received in battle.
3.a fight between two persons or animals: ordering a trial by battle to settle the dispute.
4.any conflict or struggle: a battle for control of the Senate.
5.Archaic . a battalion.
verb (used without object)
6.to engage in battle: ready to battle with the enemy.
7.to work very hard or struggle; strive: to battle for freedom.
8.to fight (a person, army, cause, etc.): We battled strong winds and heavy rains in our small boat.
9.to force or accomplish by fighting, struggling, etc.: He battled his way to the top of his profession.
10.give / do battle, to enter into conflict; fight: He was ready to do battle for his beliefs.
To kneel in a circle with others and pleasure oneself. Also refers to a pompous, self-congratulatory discussion where little to no progress is made.
1. "I just walked in on a circlejerk yesterday; it was terrible!"
2. "Did you catch that board meeting? Man, what a circlejerk!"
A group discussion or activity between like-minded individuals that validates mutual biases or goals in a non-confrontational environment.
Church camp was such a circlejerk.
Last edited by YBAB; 04-10-2012 at 10:44 AM.
It may be a "battle" but its friendly, the simple fact is that this place died because people got a little too serious about it.
People complained that there was some favoritisim, and people stopped posting. talking a bunch of **** and then **** talking in my opinion one of the better artists to ever grace flashkit is pretty disgusting and definitely not something that is going to jump start the arena.
I'd give anything to see the brothers duke it out one more time if for no other reason just to give me something to stare at and be inspired.

<3 somebody come play...
I'd give anything to see the brothers duke it out one more time if for no other reason just to give me something to stare at and be inspired.
Agreed. I need some inspiration.
somebody come play with me...
Client Software Programmer
what did she say, i thikn is rude, no good.
Came back to the Arena and this is what I see? I'm all for the attitude YBAB, something has to revitalise this place. So here is some from me. Your chops are so weak I feel like I've gotten worse at graphic art from even having looked at them.
You're not picking up any techniques, you're certainly not inspiring anyone else. If you want to see a real battle check out the KID A by Zacaboo and myself. Or arguably the only two person battle that was better than ours would have been ondraedan vs thedarkness. Some of the rollcanvases were F***ING EPIC as well.
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