Animated text problem
I'm very new to flash, but I got the hang of this one pretty quick then something went wrong.
My text box would expand as I typed. Now it does not.
When I set the animation so the text starts out small and then proceeds to grow it's very jumpy or words actually disappear and then come back on the screen.
The thing is I believe all of my settings are identical to when I did this and it worked correctly.
It's set on Dynamic text and anti-alias for animation. I convert the text to a symbol before I turn it into a motion tween. This is exactly what I do when I didn't have this problem.
Here's what it looks like...
Notices how it jumps in the very beginning as it expands and seems to convulse as it grows. Earlier today whole words would disappear.
What the..?
Senior Member
How do you tween the symbol? Are you using AC for motion tweening?
I am not able to duplicate the problem. Which version of flash are you using?
I make the text, then click Modify-convert to symbol and then click Insert-Timeline - Create Motion Tween.
I turned off my computer today when I went out and the problem seems to be gone, but I am also now embedding the text. Could it be one or two of these things. Might I have had a bug in the system?
I'm using CS3 Pro
The manuel I have is pretty limited. It basically concentrates on making flash web sites not movies, but keep in mind I'm so knew at this I might not know what I'm talking about.
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