Have you built an HTML5 and/or CSS3 site?
We are building a new section on HTMLGoodies (sister site to this one). I need some help and in return, a site you've built might get a free link.
What I'm looking for:
I'm looking for sites built using HTML5 or CSS3 features. If you've built a cool site that uses either of these, then I want to know! What I need (and this should be easy if you built the site) are:
- The URL of the site
- A description (text) of what elements of HTML5 or CSS3 you used.
- Information on why you chose HTML5
- Anything cool about why/how/where you used HTML5/CSS3 (brag a bit!)
- What category your site falls into: entertainment, multimedia, reference, social, education, productivity, sales, other?
- Does your site support IE pinning? (if you are not sure, then the answer is no)
- What browsers is your site optimized for? (Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari, Chrome, other)
You can pick more than one answer on the multiple choice questions.
I'm looking to get a couple of site ideas TODAY if possible. We are wanting to launch this new section very, very soon - like possibly next week -- so this is a chance to get your site "spotlighted" among the first ones!
I'd prefer business or topics sites versus personal blogs and such.
You can post the information here if you want, or you can email me at bjones@internet.com. Use subject line "Feature my HTML5 site: <site name>"
After we launch this new section, we will have a submission for for new sites!
Hello Guys according to that topic i think that there are a huge differance
between them HTML is the conventional and most primary language in use to
make websites. It has a very simple code framework that creates it very simple
to pick-up and understand in comparison to any other language. CSS is a topic
piece language that can be used to any XML papers.While Css is just a device
that has become well-known due to its modularity. It creates website
development a lot simpler to do and repair.Thanks!!
 Originally Posted by markspend1
Hello Guys according to that topic i think that there are a huge differance
between them HTML is the conventional and most primary language in use to
make websites...
I want to join. I think that this language is much better for creating online projects.
Mhhh, i didn't build any html5 website yet, but i'm planning to create on, when it's finished i will put it here... the main elements i want to use in the website are the header and footer tag, and the rounded corners...
I am agree with markspend1. because HTML is the conventional and most primary language in use to make websites. About HTML5 some
features are really awesome.Some of them i mention follow
Reduce the need for external plugins,HTML5 should be device independent,The development process should be visible to the public,More markup to replace scripting,Better error handling.
I used html, javascript, and css doing this site. Its a personal type site, that I showcase new singers and musicians on. Mini youtube, I guess. I did it to keep me busy since I am disabled and wanted to learn to do something new. I am also a senior citizen, or old fffffff man, if you will. I have seen too many people that have talent only on a few sites. I can't compete with the bigger sites and don't try to. I know I have people visiting but since I have a black background, I can't get the counter to show up, so I removed it for now.
When some one want create a website please learn html,css and javascript.
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I have built a site that is HTML5 and CSS3. It is a training site for HTML5 and web development.
It is all database driven with MySQL and CSS, it is NOT a site based on Joomla or WordPress it is completely done from scratch. I have incorporated many of the new elements of HTML5 and CSS3 in the site and have quite a few good tutorials on the new CSS3 elements as part of the video tutorials.
I am still working on the HTML5 video player and if you have any suggestions I would appreciate it.
The site is optimized for all the new browsers but does have some fallback in the event that the browsers are older.
the URL is: http://www.ontargethtml5.com
Let me know what you think. Do keep in mind that a lot of the site is dynamically generated. If you have questions let me know.
Hi friends, I want to learn HTML5 online. anyone suggest me best learning sites...
Client Software Programmer
well I remember nig13 on this forum showed me https://www.w3schools.com/ and on the left that's all the stuff you can learn.
I concur. An excellent site brilliant for quick referencing too
Thank you for sharing Alloy great link!
Thanks for the information.
Thank you for the content.
Thanks for the content, but I am trying to understand the benefits of strictly building standalone html5 site. Why not use a platform like Wordpress to control the site?
If you still need a help I can help you free of charge. send me a private message if you do need a help
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