how to make slider control nested movieclips?
I'm using AS3, CS5.5, on Windows764bit.
I created an animation with many different layers (and nested movieclips) on the stage, then wrote a short bit of As3 to add a slider control of the playback.
The problem/mystery is that when I change the slider, the nested MCs act strangely/independently.
Any advice on how to control everything at once?
here is the current file:
here is the code I added:
Actionscript Code:
package { import flash.display.*; import fl.controls.*; import fl.events.*; import flash.text.*; //for TLF crap public class SliderClip extends MovieClip { var slider:Slider; public function SliderClip() { var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); tf.font = "Arial"; tf.bold = true; txtBox2.defaultTextFormat = tf; slider = new Slider(); slider.setSize(200,0); //set size of slider slider.move(50,700); //position slider slider.liveDragging = true; // control if slider updates instantly or after mouse is released slider.maximum = totalFrames; addChild(slider); slider.addEventListener(SliderEvent.THUMB_DRAG, slideHandler); slider.addEventListener(SliderEvent.THUMB_RELEASE, slideRelease); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, slideFrame); } private function slideHandler(event:SliderEvent) { gotoAndStop(event.target.value); } private function slideRelease(event:SliderEvent) { play(); } private function slideFrame(event:Event) { //moves slider to match current frame slider.value = currentFrame; if (slider.value == totalFrames){stop();} txtBox2.text = String(slider.value); } } }
Senior Member
You probably have the MCs in individual frames controlled by the slider. Am I correct? Once the slider has reached a frame with an MC, this MC will play.
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