Hi all,

I am kinda struck with this wierd loading issue that has been annoying me for days. Let me see if I can get my problem across.

I am working on a as2 project that involves loading a external swf files.This is my issue. There are 2 external swfs that are being loaded in the same parent file one after the other. Initially the parent swf loads the first swf and also has a button for loading the second swf.Also once the second swf is loaded it gives a button for unloading the second swf . (Second swf works like a previewer . so needs to be loaded and unloaded multiple times) . Both the swfs has a library symbol with the same name and linkage name but linked to different classes ( i cant change the name of this symbol because this is common across the entire module).So lets say the symbol in swf1 is called symbol has the linkage identifier called symbol and linked to com.swf1.symbol class and symbol in swf2 is called the same but linked to com.swf2.symbol class.

The issue I am facing is as long the swf2 is not loaded the symbol in swf1 works perfectly fine. It links to the right class does what it is supposed to do. But once the swf2 is loaded and unloaded it goes wierd. What happens is the symbol in swf1 starts using com.swf2.symbol class instead of com.swf1.symbol class and I get wierd results and wrong output. I dont know if this is about caching or loading unloading issue .I am on a tight schedule and just cant figure out the issue....

Can someone please help????
